[ application ]
.o1 There is a limit to two characters per person.
.o2 Please remember that this roleplay is based in modern-day Tokyo, Japan.
.o3 If you're having trouble deciding on a character, here's a list of needed/requested characters. There's also a reservations post here.
.o4 Make sure you read both the faq and rules before applying!
Name: {real, alias, or nickname}
LJ Username: (a real journal is required here. a code is provided for you.)
Age: {your age}
AIM Screename: {required}
Past RP Experience: {you can use any example here. a snip from past logs or links to other communities you've been in. anything that shows us you've roleplayed before.
Character's Name:
Character's Age:
Character's Model: {whom you wish to portray your character; also known as your PB. please supply name and a sample image}
Year in School: {freshman, sophomore, junior, senior. if character is not in college, what are they doing that keeps them in the surrounding area?}
Major / Minor: {if applicable; if your character hasn't decided, say so} [see below]*
Clubs / Activities / Job?: [see below]*
Background History: {minimum 300 words - nothing is truly 'canon' in an alternate universe setting such as this. so feel free to go wild and use your imagination to it's fullest capability! creativity is very important here. if you plan on playing a character that depends on another for some aspects of plot [ex: Hyuuga / Zabuza-Haku / Orochimaru-Kabuto / Madara-Tobi-Izuna] do not write them in unless the character exists already in the community and you have planned something out with them. with that in mind, keep mentioning of another character in your application down to a minimum. your application is all about your numero uno character and that is the one we want to see the most out of.}
Personality/Likes & Dislikes: {minimum 300 words - there's bound to be quite a bit about your character that makes them a special snowflake. you have your chance to tell us about it right here. what are their talents or aspirations? details and more details, please. what makes them who they are and why? describe their personality to a tee. paint a picture with your summary and assume that you are the only one who knows everything about this character.}
Writing Sample: {minimum 300 words each - our requirement is for you to write both a first and third person sample in order to show your grasp on the character in the two formats that dominate the community. prompts are optional as they are only there to help aid you with the writing examples. feel free to be as imaginative as possible.}
- Interview
- Out past curfew
- This one time at ___ camp...
- First day of class / work / etc,.
First Person
Third Person
Other Notes:
Any Questions:
Copy this:
*Any and all actual college majors and club/sports can be found here.
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