Haku, part II
Background History:
The very early years of Haku's life are typical-small, happy family in a little suburb living on the wages of a blue collar man. His mother was a home-maker and, in his youth, the light of his small world. From a very young age, he showed a great deal of promise-as he had clever hands and a mind that was eager and willing to soak up any and all knowledge available-and the prospect of Haku making more of himself than his parents presented itself. However, the sunny, eager child was not blessed with a stable home-his father had started his family young and on earnings much too meager to stay ahead of bills, so when things got tough, his father turned to wayward activities and trains of thought. The family that the man had once doted on began to hold hidden and frightening demons and, in the midst of a cold and bitter winter, he finally teetered off of the edge of the sharp and steep cliff of mental breakdown.
When his father came to slaughter his mother, Haku slid out of a window and onto the high ledge where he stayed, for hours on end in the cold, bitter air, until, atlast, the authorities found him.
For the next several months, Haku was passed back and forth in The System, shuttling between home and home and foster parent and foster parent. Though he was a pleasant and well behaved child, a permanent home seemed to be missing from his particular deck of cards. It wasn't until Zabuza, a man who had not seemingly been looking for a family, met with the fickle Lady Luck and happened apon Haku quite by accident.
The adoption issue had been over quickly and Haku began his new life with the only person in the world that seemed to want him, to have a place for him, and who needed him. Zabuza gave Haku's young life a purpose that it had never before had and, in doing so, gave the child who so believed he was alone and unwanted a reason and a goal to live for.
His schooling had not been typical for a great many reasons but, all in all, in came down to the simple fact that Haku's world revolved around Zabuza. Haku ate any and all knowledge eagerly but focused on the things that seemed to please his gaurdian. Haku learned to clean, to cook, to take care of the man as if, indeed, he was his wife. This skewed view on the world lent to Haku's bent androgyny-he threw himself into a role unmeant for him at an age wherein the difference between a man and a woman were unimportant.
Even Haku's personal interests reflected that of his greater purpose. He took dance-ballet mostly-because it appealed to his need to please people. A crowd who enjoyed his movements on stage or the cast he practiced with for months to create something lovely and moving was allowing him to be needed. And as he grew and Zabuza's need for him lessened, Haku threw himself more and more into his art.
When he turned 18, Fickle Lady Luck agained knocked on his door and, due to reasons Haku still doesn't care to speak of, he left the man who had taken him in and loved him so. With many skills to speak of but none that made Haku happy, he enrolled in college to further his dancing and took to the theatre like a duck to water. More so than dance, bringing a story to life with a cast of others allowed Haku to feel he was serving some greater purpose and bearing wieght for others.
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