yamanaka ino 2/?
Personality/Likes & Dislikes:
Ino is a girl that’s all about appearances. There’s a large gap between how she acts and how she feels, which can translate into superficiality in most cases and self-preservation in other. She won’t hesitate to judge a book by its cover, and to judge it quickly and harshly. She’ll rarely beat around the bush--unless it’s a situation that requires some delicacy (see: flirting), which makes it a special circumstance--preferring to be straightforward, sometimes shockingly blunt in her choice of words.
She definitely doesn’t mind being shocking, though. An attention whore at heart, Ino will gladly take the spotlight in any situation she can. She’s used to getting it, after all, and she can be mightily put out if she doesn’t, because she’s also a drama whore at heart. The acting thing didn’t come out of nowhere; her first reaction is usually an overreaction, loud and animated and if you’re feeling kind, passionate.
However, this also makes her kind of a bitch. Thanks to her father spoiling her silly, she doesn’t take too kindly to people trying to deny her things, and will usually make her displeasure known in a loud, shrill way. It doesn’t take much to set off her temper; one misplaced comment and she’ll start the shrieking.
That also goes if you tell her to butt out. Her confidence can come with an overconfidence, which can come with unrelenting bossiness and butting-in. For your own good, of course. Obviously, she’s the foremost authority on Everything, so you better listen or perish.
Unless, of course, you’re a very hot guy. She has a penchant for them; you could say that they’re her weakness, specifically the tall, dark, and handsome type, which is where her superficiality comes in--she usually fails to look any deeper than that, and gets bored of them pretty quickly. Her flirting style, much like the rest of her, is slightly over the top and very thinly veiled. She’s not shy in the least, confident in her beauty and her ability to seduce. If you’re looking for a cutesy little girl, you’re looking in the wrong place.
None of this is to say that she’s a total bitch. In spite of surface level impressions, she does, ultimately, have a sympathetic heart, even if she doesn’t always show it in the right ways. The true friends she has are always fiercely guarded. She can’t turn down anyone in need. Underneath it all, she wants to act in order to connect to people, and below even that, she can’t admit it to anybody.
Her insecurities are much like other girls, though she combats her fear of being fat and unwanted with obsessive dieting, her fear of being alone with a wide circle of friends. Ino is definitely not a passive participant in her life, taking charge and sticking to her guns. She’s stubborn and headstrong and you can’t ever fault her for being a girl that knows what she wants.
First person writing sample:
Has anybody ever noticed how auditions always make you feel like cattle? I’m serious. Well, okay, maybe none of you have noticed, because none of you have really gone to any auditions lately, but just go with me on this one.
They stick you in this little room with a horde of other people and yeah, you’re all trying out for the same role. Then when it’s your turn, they stick you into another little room, usually with a few people sitting behind a table or desk or whatever, looking disapproving from the get-go, you know, before you’ve ever opened your mouth.
Then the lady--I swear, it’s always a lady--is like, read these lines to the best of your ability blah blah. Which, let me tell you, isn’t an easy thing to do, in spite of what you all think. Shikamaru. I mean, you have to deliver this big speech about your dead mother or your dead baby or whatever and you’re supposed to be really sad about it, but all the people you’re talking to just look bored.
What. Gives.
I mean, they could at least try to be involved. Or you know, try not to stare at my breasts. I know a D-cup is rare in Japan and all, but seriously. You’re balding. And old.
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