Name: Soo
LJ Username: lazysprawl @ LJ
Age: 20
AIM Screename: sprawlaround
Character's Name: Nara Shikamaru
Character's Age: 20
Character's Model: (
Nikishido Ryo ) for some reason google image search makes him look a lot gayer than he already is. 8(
Year in School: 4th year, advanced standing
Major / Minor: Medical Sciences, Pharmacology
Clubs / Activities / Job?: shougi club, go club, archery / lazyass TA of the biology+chemistry department
Background History: Details like Chouji and Ino omitted for flexibility re: future applicants!
Born to the family of a small, but long-running pharmaceutical company, Nara Shikamaru was born with an extraordinary mind, but always aimed for the ordinary. Growing up, he never made it his goal to be acknowledged by others. Rather, he made it a point to blend into the background, never wanting to be noticed for anything extraordinary. He could do with being overlooked by others. By the time he became a junior high student, it was a wonder why Shikamaru even bothered coming to school. Year by year, his mother would nag at his lack of achievements—to which Shikamaru would yawn and flatly reply: "I'm content with what I have."
That was, and always would be the truth and the lie behind the matter. Shikamaru was someone easily contented with the mediocrities of life, but at the same time, it was because there was nothing else to do or expect. He could pass the days without the unnecessary hassle of studying, but by watching clouds, hanging out with friends, and even napping unnecessarily out of schedule—but what else beyond that? He didn't see the point. He was bored. And just like how he dealt with everything else around him, he accepted his boredom without much of a fight.
Years passed, and Shikamaru barely scraped the school system with passing marks, somehow making it into yet another run-of-the-mill public high school. It was his first year there he met a teacher who saw not just Shikamaru's lazy exterior, but his bored as hell mentality. He was being observed by the teacher and in turn, Shikamaru observed the teacher right back through closed eyes, lazy exchanges of dialogue, and failed examinations.
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