Christine "Chrissy" Jessica Jordan/Star Sapphire's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Christine "Chrissy" Jessica Jordan/Star Sapphire

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Where in the galaxy is Hal Jordon? [03 Apr 2011|01:10am]
Premise: At the end of Blackest Night, it was assumed that Hal Jordon remained dead, as he was not among those to return from the dead. In actuality, Hal was kidnapped by the Sinestro Corpsman Hive, and brought to Qward, the stronghold of the Sinestro Corps. It is speculated that Hal Jordon might know where the missing leader of the Sinestro Corps, Sinestro has vanished too, as he has not been heard from in some time.

1. The Green Lantern Corps receive ward that Hal Jordon might be alive, but they do not know where. They are informed not to tell anyone, but word slips out and Chrissy catches wind of it. She begins to search for her father and seeks out the help of Kieran.

2. Kieran tells Chrissy that one of the Green Lanterns might be able to help her, and Chrissy looks for Dex or Maura. She asks them to see if they can use their ring to pinpoint Hal's location, and just as the ring is about to give an answer, it shorts out, saying that Hal is out of range.

3. Chrissy then decides to take matters into her own hands, and go into space to look for Hal herself. She travels to several planets (and maybe has a potential run-in with the Darkstars), and word gets back to the Sinestro Corps that the daughter of Hal is looking for him.

4. While on her quest for Hal, Chrissy is attacked by one of the members of the Sinestro Corps, and they fight. Eventually, Chrissy gets the upperhand and interrogates them, knowing that her father has butted heads with the Sinestro Corps in the past. After a little bit, the Sinestro Corpsman lets it slip that Hal is being held hostage on Qward. Chrissy then starts to make a route for Qward, sending out a message for Kieran, Dex, Maura, Rose, and any other Lanterns that she could use backup.

5. Chrissy arrives on Qward, looking for Hal. After staying mostly undercover, she finds him heavily guarded and attempts to take on the Sinestro Corpsmen guarding him, and is getting her butt kicked when the other Lanterns arrive. They fight the Sinestro Corps, and Chrissy goes to release Hal. They manage to hold them off long enough to escape, and one of the Lanterns can bring up the question "Where was Sinestro?"

6. Chrissy takes Hal back to Oa for medical attention. While there, Hal informs Chrissy that he was kidnapped at the end of Blackest Night and interrogated for information on the whereabouts of Sinestro, who hasn't been seen in over a year. He warns Chrissy that Sinestro might be out there, plotting something, but he's not sure. Chrissy tells the other Lanterns what her father told her.
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Test scene [30 Mar 2011|05:52pm]
Chrissy had managed to convince the Zamarons to let her leave Zamaron early, telling her that she'd finish training with her mother, and that if they felt that the need for more training was necessary, that she would return to Zamaron if needed.

The Zamarons had also given her the name of someone who could possibly help her with her training.

So, Chrissy was out flying on her way to meet him.

"Ring, locate Star Sapphire Kieran Grey," she said.

Searching for Star Sapphire Kieran Grey...location found. Star Sapphire is located in Gotham City.

"Thank you," Chrissy said, feeling a little weird that she was thanking a talking ring...but she was growing accustomed to the weird. She flew to the address provided by the ring.

"Star Sapphire Christina Jordan contacting Star Sapphire Kieran you copy?" She asked, trying to contact him as she got closer to Gotham City.
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[30 Mar 2011|04:52pm]
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Allie
Email: on file
AIM (if you have one): on file
Character Name: Christine "Chrissy" Jessica Jordon
Character LJ (if applicable): [info]loveconquersall
Physical description (face, build, weight): 5'11, 120 lbs, tall, slender, brown hair, brown eyes. Tries to dress professionally.
Age: 16
Birthday: March 2nd
Codename (if using one): Star Sapphire
PB: Troian Avery Bellisario
Abilities: Star Sapphire ring. Chrissy has had some basic hand-to-hand training, though she is in no means an expert. She would probably be only able to decently hand one opponent on the same skill level as her. Chrissy is also very intelligent with aptitude for business.
Weaknesses and flaws: Chrissy is a normal human female, with normal human flaws and weaknesses. Chrissy is also a rookie with the ring, and is still learning the ropes with it.
Character location/Home: Coast City
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero
Team: None.
Relatives (living/dead?): Hal Jordan (father, deceased), Carol Ferris-Jordan (mother, living), Henry Jordan (adopted older brother, living), Oliver Queen (godfather, living)
Backstory: Christina Jessica Jordan was born a year after her parents married, joining her adopted older brother, Henry. Christina (or Chrissy, as most people called her), was raised in the superhero community, with the rest of the "superhero kids", and knows most of them fairly well, though she wasn't as close to most of them as her brother, being one of the younger of the kids.

Unlike Henry, Chrissy never really wanted to get involved in the "cape scene", wanting to eventually take over Ferris Aircraft and run it someday. Chrissy applied to several high schools, all with very good reputations, before getting accepted to an all-girls boarding school in New York City. Chrissy adjusted fast, and visited her parents on long extended holidays and on school vacations.

Chrissy was visiting her parents on Spring Break when Black Lanterns attacked the Jordon household. Hal and Carol attempted to hold them off, but Hal was killed by one of the Black Lanterns, and Carol was rendered unable to use her ring when one of the Black Lanterns knocked her out. Even though she knew that she couldn't do much, Chrissy attempted to fight off the Black Lanterns on her own, though it was hard for her to face her father. Sensing the love that she had for her parents, a Star Sapphire ring found Chrissy, and she was automatically inducted into the Star Sapphire Corps. Chrissy then took her mother to Zamaron to protect her. Chrissy has been training on Zamaron since, coming home only recently to discover that her father was not one of the ones brought back from the dead by the Black Entity. Even though she is not done with her training, and is still very much a rookie with the Star Sapphire ring, Chrissy enrolled in a local private school in Coast City, to remain close to her mother, as Henry is often off in space dealing with Green Lantern stuff. Carol has been showing Chrissy how to use the Star Sapphire ring.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Arriving back to Coast City from Zamaron. Will probably get in contact with one of the heroes from the YJLA.
What are you planning to do with this character?: While she's not going to be on any team, Chrissy will offer her help when needed. She's mostly around for plot support, sort of like Rose. She's not a heavy hitter by any means. She's a regular girl first, Star Sapphire and hero second.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Development. Growth. All that good stuff.
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