[23 May 2008|11:00am] |
[Hexed to Ernie and Ron] I think we should get together sometime soon, yes? [End Hex]
[Hexed to Morag] I know I'm supposed to make sure we keep these meetings as few as possible, but we will have to get together at some point. Just be nice please. [End Hex]
So, I think I'm going to start calling Stephen 'Oh Captain! My Captain!' Sounds fitting for him don't you think?
Attention 7th years, I'm counting on one of you to help me understand what we're supposed to do for Transfiguration. I admit, I'm rubbish. Thank you.
[28 Apr 2008|11:50am] |
Excuse me for a moment while I perform my happy dance.
Bloody hell, I'm tired but too excited to take a nap.
[Ravenclaw Quidditch Gods] Brilliant game!
Again, I say brilliant! [End Private]
[26 Apr 2008|12:44pm] |
Ravenclaw for the win!
This is all.
[Private to the RQT] Let's kick some Slytherin arse yes? [End Private]
[20 Apr 2008|03:48pm] |
So much homework. The professor get a sick joy out of this don't they? I think they do. They sit up there during dinner and talk about what they can do to make us crack.
My head is starting to hurt, I really need some fresh air.
Who wants to join me?
[21 Mar 2008|04:44pm] |
Sorry it's been a while since I've written in this. I forgot that I placed it underneath my pillow so it's been laying there for a while now. So I haven't asked many people this, but who's all planning on staying here? More specifically, who's planning on staying here that I can hang out with? Just so I know I'll have someone to talk to while I'm here.
Speaking of the holidays, now would be the time to tell me what you want or else risk me trying to find a gift you might like. I'm not always 100% right when it comes to getting gifts for people, so if you want to give me a hint, now's your chance.
[08 Mar 2008|11:02am] |
Well at least a few good things happened after the Quidditch match. Lisa, I'm glad you like your charm! I was told it brings good luck, so I hope it works for you!
For the record, I'm never playing hide-n-seek again.
Now to my most exciting news.
I've finally finished my paint that I've been working on!
( Painting )
I haven't figured out a name for it yet, but tell me what you guys think? Personally I just love looking at the colors.
[01 Mar 2008|02:57pm] |
Bloody hell.
I'm not in a good mood as you can guess. My head bloody hurts.
Going to take a potion then I'm going for a walk.
[07 Feb 2008|03:49pm] |
Just so you lot know, I did get my wrist checked out. It's fine.
I almost got a detention today! Now I know what some of you might be thinking. "How Mandy? How did you almost get a detention?" Well my fellow Hogwarts students, here's the story. I was in the Library, walking back to my dorm when I saw sparks flying past me. So out of instinct I took my wand out and turned around. Apparently there were two boys, 3rd or 4th years from the looks of them, were fighting in the hall. Well I should say they were trying because the poor kids had horrible hand-eye cordnation. I mean, I was a few inches away from getting boils or whatever. I told them to knock it off, but they wouldn't listen so I had to do the next best thing. I threatened to hex them both if they don't stop, considering I'm not a Prefect I couldn't really do anything else. Well who do you think walked by right when I said that? Professor McGonagall. Apparently she decided to show up right when I raised my wand and said that. Took two other students to tell her that I had nothing to do with the fight before she finally believed me! Honestly, do I really not look trustworthy?
[02 Feb 2008|10:32pm] |
So my wrist still hurts from practice. I know it's not broken, but I wonder if I just strained it or something. I have it wrapped just in case but it's really annoying. Good thing it's my left hand, that would have been annoying if it was my right.
So, I haven't found anyone to go to the dance with yet.Anything new going on? People keep talking about this dance or Quidditch. Not that I don't mind talking about the latter, I could talk about Quidditch for hours.
Dad sent me an owl today, says that mum hasn't been feeling well so she went to a Healer to see what's going on. He doesn't seem too worried so I don't think it's anything real serious. Probably ate something bad, my dad isn't exactly the greatest cook.
I'm bored.