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application [Aug. 17th, 2011|10:24 pm]
John Spencer Lewis.

NAME: John Spencer Lewis. Goes by Spence.
AGE/BIRTHDAY: 16; November 16, 1994.
GRADE: 10th Grade (Sophomore).
CLASS: Upper Middle Class.

Parents are divorced and he lives with his mom. His mom is deliriously happy in her second marriage, which has come with a whole HORDE of step-siblings. He has to share his space with a few of them most of the time, but there's also every other weekend when the others are home from college to do laundry or whatever and things get REALLY crazy then.
SEXUALITY: Definitely heterosexual.
ACTIVITIES: football, basket ball, baseball, track.

APPEARANCE: Not overly tall, but not super short, either, Spence stands at about 5'11". He has an average build, not quite as muscular as you might expect from a guy who likes to dabble in sports. He's never been super athletic, though, no matter how much he'd like to be, and he spends more time riding the bench than actually playing.

Spence has short brown hair and brown eyes. He has a nice smile. He's probably more commonly referred to as "cute" than "attractive." He definitely has that cute, semi dorky look to him. He favors casual clothing, like jeans and t-shirts, but will dress up when he has to. His fashion sense is far from impeccable, though.
PLAYED BY: Dylan O'Brien

LIKES: parties, girls, his dad, vegetables, sports, pizza, the internet, his computer

DISLIKES: being unpopular, his step-dad, being at home, being bored

STRENGTHS: excellent swimmer, friendly, outgoing, loyal

WEAKNESSES: eager to please, easily taken advantage of, unpopular

Spence is, for all intents and purposes, a dork. He dabbles in sports and he tries to be one of the popular guys, but there's a definite air of dorkiness to him. Spence doesn't let that stop him from being one of the outgoing guys around, though. He has a lot of confidence and he's not afraid to walk up to someone who is completely out of his league and ask her out or make conversation. Granted, he pretty much expects to be shot down when he hits on the cheerleaders, but that doesn't stop him from doing it.

Spence isn't the smartest guy in school, but he's intelligent enough to make decent grades. They're probably not great next to his perfect step-siblings, but they're pretty okay, all the same. He might be able to do better if he worked a little harder, but Spence isn't the kind of dork who's all WOO SCHOOL.

He might not be the most popular guy ever, but Spence definitely makes it a habit to show up at every party. He's friendly enough with enough people to say hello and have people to socialize with and he definitely prefers going out to staying in. His mom is kind of disgustingly happy with Mr. Perfect aka his too-good-to-be-true Step-Dad and he doesn't exactly want to sit at home and watch them be all lovey dovey while his prettier and more popular step-siblings are out on dates or what have you.

Spence isn't nearly as experienced with the girls as he'd like to be. A part of that is the fact that he sets his aim far too high and asks out girls who anyone would tell him are out of his league. Every now and then, he gets an actual date and he has managed to make out with a few girls, though. He actually even almost had sex with one of them once, but it was over before he could stick it in. Luckily, this is someone NO ONE knows.

He works out a lot, but doesn't understand why he can't really build muscles. He thinks muscles would help him get the hot chicks, but no matter how hard he works at it, he can't seem to get buff. That hasn't stopped him from trying, though.

Spence is a really talkative guy. He might not be the smoothest guy ever, but that doesn't stop him from talking. Actually, the apocalypse probably wouldn't stop him from talking. He just can't seem to help himself.

Spence was an only child from the time of his birth until sometime during his Freshman year. His parents had never gotten along extremely well, though, and shortly after he started high school, they finally decided to split up. It wasn't a messy divorce, but it wasn't incredibly amicable either, and Spence doesn't see much of his dad since his parents split up. He still thinks the world of him and is thrilled for the times when they do get together, but he spends far more time with him mom than his dad.

It didn't stay him and his mom for long, though. Not long after the divorce was final, Spence's mom got remarried. Spence doesn't really like his new step-dad. Part of it might be some loyalty to his real dad, but Spence feels like there's something too good about this guy. He has a great job, he has all these perfect kids, he acts like he's completely in love with Spence's mom. He's even pretty nice to Spence. Spence won't ask the man for things and he definitely doesn't like being at home and watching how happy his mom is with the guy.

Spence gets along with most of his siblings, but his step-siblings are as perfect as their father. They seem to think he's a geek/nerd/dork... whatever, for the most part. Some of them go to school with him, but they don't really talk to him at school. As much as he tries to flirt with the popular girls, he's not a real part of that crowd. One of his step-sisters is super popular, on the cheerleading squad and all of that, but at school it's pretty much like he doesn't exist to her most of the time.

His mom thinks he's super popular, though, because he's willing to lie and say he has a date so that he can borrow the car and get away from his mom/step-dad's lovey dovey nonsense. Not that he's technically old enough to drive very late, but whatever gets him out of the house.

Spend has tried to become more popular. One time, he tried to dye his hair, thinking maybe a change would get him noticed more. It turned green. He. Doesn't. Even. Know. It got him noticed, but definitely not in the way he wanted to be noticed. He's had other such mishaps while trying to do things to make himself hotter/more popular. It seems like the harder he tries, the more disastrous the outcome.


OOC Info
EMAIL: hopeguidesme@mac.com.
AIM/OTHER: hope31516.


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