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Bentley Lucas Johnson ([info]looking4love) wrote,
@ 2011-08-04 22:42:00

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NAME: Bentley Lucas Johnson
AGE/BIRTHDAY: 17, December 16, 1993
GRADE: 11th Grade
CLASS: Middle Class. Popular.

FAMILY:  Deceased Parents, Uncle and Aunt, and twin sister Ryan
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual.  

APPEARANCE: Standing only at a mere 5’10, Bentleyisn’t expecting any further growth spurts.  He’s accepted his average height.  With dark brown hair that curls a little, he usually either wears it completely curly and puffed out a little or he slicks it back and straight.  His hazel eyes really stand out, especially when he’s out in the sun and starts to tan some.

Bentley stays very in shape, but he doesn’t exactly have a six pack.  His style is probably more along the lines of metro-sexual.  Snug, but not tight jeans; sweaters with a suit shirt under it and tie; button down shirts with t-shirts under them, never sneakers, always dress shoes or loafers.  He’s diligent about keeping groomed.  Bentley’s rarely seen with scruff, but when he is it’s because he was up late working on his music.

PLAYED BY: Darren Criss http://asylums.insanejournal.com/textless/122825.html

LIKES: Playing his guitar.  Singing.  Girls.  Staying up late.  Going out and having fun.

DISLIKES:  His aunt and uncle.  Waking up early.  Vegetables.  Reality TV.

STRENGTHS: His voice.  Love.  Affection.  Friendly.  Kind.

WEAKNESSES:  Love.  Affection.  Too forgiving.

DETAILED PERSONALITY:  Overall, Bentley’s a nice guy.  He’s a little obsessed about his singing and guitar playing, but he means well.  After all, he wants to be able to provide for him and his sister far better then their aunt and uncle have.  

Only ever knowing one kind of real love, the love of his sister, Bent’s always looking for love from others.  He wants the love of his friends, but most importantly he wants the love of a girl.  He wants romantic love.

Bentley focuses on his sister, his friends, and the pursuit of happiness.  He likes to have a good time.  Most nights he stays up late working on his music, whether it’s the cords on his guitar or the lyrics in his songs.  If he’s not working on that, then he’s either out hanging with his friends and sister or out on a date.

HISTORY: His mother and father both came from money and were in love. They were together for little more than three years before Ryan Harley and Bentley Lucas Johnson were born, late on December 16th. Their mother was a successful lawyer that handled her fathers family business and their father inherited the spot of head of the family business. The twins were just over a year old when their parents were back full force to the daily grind of work. Anytime they left on business, they left Ryan and Bentley with their Uncle (on her fathers side) and wife.

Tragedy struck the Johnson family early on. They were on a flight to LA and their plane crashed. The twins were barely three years old and were raised by their aunt and uncle. It was always known and told to them what happened of their parents. Neither of them had a curfew or anything else that resemble that their aunt and uncle might care about where they were. They were rarely ever bought anything new if it wasn't direly needed, let alone got anything on holidays or birthdays. But being minors and not having any other place to go…they are stuck there until they turn 18.

Bentley has spent the last 14 years wondering what his life would have been like if their parents were still around, but he tries not to dwell on it.  There’s nothing that can be done after all.  He learned to cope with life through music and singing.  Maybe it was weird that both of the twins were so into it, but their music styles were vastly different.  Bentley is more a solo pop artist, while Ryan is into more punk-ish music and is in a band.

Despite what his sister says, Bentley is not gay.  He’s actually been rather active in the dating/sex scene.  He lost his virginity two years ago and hasn’t looked back since.  Deep down, he’s just looking for someone (not his sister) to actually love him.  Maybe someday, but for right now he’s living life and working on his music.


OOC Info


EMAIL: sabrina.rp.replies@gmail.com.

AIM/OTHER: AncamnaSulAimend.

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