
Sep. 22nd, 2010 | 05:28 pm

This article is really fascinating. Working back with robotics now, I love seeing how other countries are developing them as well. Japan is known for making really expensive "idol robots" but to see them stepping past the cute greeting girls is so refreshing. Maybe after I get more experience in the field I'll be able to move back to my home country and create something truly revolutionary.

No rush, though. For now I'm just so relieved to get my hands on computer parts again. It's like meeting an old friend. Who you were in love with.

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Sep. 2nd, 2010 | 02:00 am

I forgot how hard it was to job hunt. I think that's why I ended up skipping it for a few weeks. Then weeks turned to months. I've been thinking of getting more training, joining up as an IT guy somewhere. I looked here but there's no openings so I suppose I might have to look elsewhere. It would be weird to leave this company, even if I haven't even been here a full year. Somehow, it's grown on me.

I think I would just miss the hamburger vending machine too much.

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Jul. 15th, 2010 | 02:30 am

I guess it's been a long time since I had something to say on here. Or the time to sit and say it. I've been working overtime since last time... but these past two weeks have been more gentle. But even so, it seems I've developed some insomnia lately. I thought one of those sounds of the ocean CDs might help, but as it turned out it kept me awake until 8AM because I love the sound of the ocean so much. I guess life is rough like that.

I've been doing some experimenting with liquor in my insomniac nights, so if anybody is adventurous... I'd like to get some opinions on things before I decide to offer them at Hell/Paradise. I've also got liquid nitrogen for overclocking, which makes for an exciting cocktail presentation. I've also managed to find a bacon flavored syrup. Maybe garnishing with candied bacon and doing some sort of sweet/savory drink... I'll think on it. But the offer still stands for someone to come and taste these things. I'd do it myself, but I don't have much of a pallet for these types of things.

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May. 24th, 2010 | 12:59 am

For those of you who are interested in the Gemini project, it will now be redirected to another company. I will not give out the details, as I don't endorse any other company except for this one. It's not in good taste to advertise for a rival company... on another company's server. Though if you want to track her, I'm sure you can find a means to do it yourself. Google isn't complicated.

If anybody is interesting in buying the leftover images of her, or a few reuseable spare parts, I'll give you a staff discount. Anything else is going to eBay.

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Feb. 15th, 2010 | 09:10 pm

Forgive my delay on this, but I was occupied with personal business. To whoever assisted me in the elevator incident, you have my sincerest gratitude. I apologize for being rude with you on the scene. I was under pressure.

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Feb. 1st, 2010 | 11:25 pm

This Friday, Tobirama and Hashirama (SENJU POWER) will be making and handing out message beans at the FGI main office, but with hand-painted messages and stupid little faces and drawings, and in the plastic cups that Sasori put everywhere instead of in tins. Recycling can be cute and fun!!

So if you want your character to help with this, or receive one of these cute desk plants to grow and love, then ping me or comment here and we can do a sexy log.

That is all.

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Jan. 4th, 2010 | 12:30 pm

I'm not used to these sorts of blogging things, especially pertaining to work, but. The point is social networking I'm sure, and that's a little refreshing to see in the workplace, it makes for better employee relationships, right? Or maybe it's to spy on employees, who knows. Either way, I'll try to make myself known. Hopefully I won't be too busy, but then again, too much time on here is a clear sign to your boss that you've got far too much free time.

But that aside, I'm Tobirama. I'll be working down in the offices and in the studios with Gemini. If you don't know who she is, then you will within the coming weeks I'm sure. I hope we all work well together.

Since this is employer regulated, I'd also like to take this time to point out to the higher ups that there's no recycle bins around the office space, at least not in a well-lit, easily accessible area. Due to this, the amount of papers and plastics that go wasted is staggering, and I think it would be in the best interest of the company to add in a few bins, if only just in the office area. Recycling isn't just something done to be trendy, it can be lucrative and comes with the personal gratification that you made a small step toward a large change. And you can make money from it, if that pushes a hot button of interest.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to meeting all of you.

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[application copy]

Dec. 16th, 2009 | 08:53 pm

Name: Tobirama Senju
Age: 26
Sexuality: Believes in LOVE.
Role in company: Doesn't exactly work for FGI, rather works for the company testing a "sex robot" inside the company. Is the programmer for it. Also cleans it of, uh... testing juice.
PB: Tamaki Hiroshi ... okay real pic.

xoxo )

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