...'Cause you know that I can.

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...'Cause you know that I can.
Blast Babies RPG

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Having worked as a server for years, and having had to effectively inhale half of everyone's Sticks of Stinky, Allergy-Triggering Death while taking orders, I'm all for bans of smoking in most public places.

This, however, is going too far. (Video)

"The other townhouse tenants can sell it through the walls"?? The hell are they made out of, papier-mache? I've spent years low-rent apartments, often next to neighbors who smoke like f'in chimneys, and of the many issues I've had, smoke (cigarette or otherwise) from a neighboring unit's never been one of them.

ETA: http://www.cnn.com/video/player/player.html?url=/video/us/2006/11/16/oconnell.gay.penguins.kmov

Oh, for the love of...WHO CARES!? They're PENGUINS, for Chrissakes!! Do they really think their kinds are goig to be infected with OMGTEHGHEY!!!!111 just from reading a book?
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