...'Cause you know that I can.

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...'Cause you know that I can.
Blast Babies RPG

The tme has passed...

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...And the effing comp doesn't work!

After spending all of last night and much of this morning troubleshooting, I've narrowed it down to two possible causes: a bad video card, or a bat PCI-E slot on the motherboard. As the vid card the more likely culprit of the two (it's factory-overclocked, and I've read reports of several malfunctioning out of the box), I've sent it back. Newegg had a good RMA policy...except for the pear where I have to ship it back at personal expense. I wanted to overnight it, so I could get it repaired or replaced quickly....but that would've cost over $60. Ended up sending it 3-day, and even that set me back $24.73. At least they won't charge me when they ship it back.

::sigh:; Suppose it could be worse. I still have the comp I was loaned when I came to Victoria (that's what I'm using now) and I can easily reassemble my old one if it comes to that. Still...

EDIT: And damned if I didn't just delete THE WRONG DOUBLE ENTRY!! AAHAAAAAGH!!
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