...'Cause you know that I can.

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...'Cause you know that I can.
Blast Babies RPG

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SInce I didn't mention it here, I've decided to use my LostJournal as a mirror for my posts here, and for another project I've been promising forever now (see my Resoluutions post for a hint). Dunno why, but I like the place...then again, I've always preferred smaller crowds.

In other news...

Didn't post last night after all. Ended up reading Desolation Island by Patrick O'Brien, and didn't go to bed until I finished at 4 am.

Knowing damned well I had to be up for 7.

Honestly, you'd think I'd have learned by now.

Still, the book itself was excellent (and ended with a couple of huge question marks, meaning I'll have to buy the next one ASAP), and I didn't really feel the lack of sleep today...'til now.

...Yeah, I think I'm turning in early.
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