...'Cause you know that I can.

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...'Cause you know that I can.
Blast Babies RPG

Kick the tires and light the fires...

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...Well. Hello there.

As I mentioned in my Profile, I'm here as a direct result of The Great LJ Strikethrough of '07 (that's what we're calling it now, looks like). No, my LiveJournal wasn't deleted or anything of the sort; however, the precedent that this sets makes me extremely uncomfortable. I understand that guaranteed rights to free-speech, for better or worse, do not apply in this case: LJ/SixApart is a business, and as such can enforce its TOS however it sees fit. Doesn't mean I've gotta let them do it with me or my money, though.

So I went blog-shopping. I never really liked GreatestJournal, and though I already have an account at JournalFen, I have my doubts about their poor little server, especially with the swarm of P.O.'ed LJers hovering around Fandom Wank. Besides, I've always liked rooting for the underdogs. So here I am.

I haven't made a final decision whether or not to settle here. Should SixApart come to its senses, I'll likely keep my LJ...in which case I'll likely use this foor some other purpose. Then again...this isn't the first time that something like this has happened, and I seriously doubt that it'll be the last. If there's drama surrounding in my journal, let it come from me, not my hosting service. I don't have a particularly large flist, so between OpenID and the journal codes I'll get when/if I go paid I doubt I'll lose touch with anyone. Besides, $50 Canadian for a permanent account--that I can purchase whenever I wish, not just when the Powers That Be give me the "privlege" of handing over $150 USD--looks pretty sweet. And thoug the community is kinda small...I like what I see so far.

So again, hello. And however this ultimately turns out, I'd like to thank the LoJo staff for providing a viable alternative. I feel much better knowing that, if worst comes to worst, I at least have an option.
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