...'Cause you know that I can.

January 22nd, 2008

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...'Cause you know that I can.
Blast Babies RPG


January 22nd, 2008

Roleplay Meme

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X-posted (well, commented) from BRPS

Oh, why the hell not?

What effects have the internet had on your RP experience? The internet is the biggest reason I've had any RP experience to speak of. To that point I'd only been involved in a few games with friends, mostly unsatisfying (partly because we'd always end up screwing around and doing something else ^^;;). Plus like others have said I've been introduced to people I'd never have met otherwise (for better or worse!).

Do you prefer online or face-to-face? Online. Unless I'm intimately familiar with the people I'm playing with, in a new game--regardless of format--I always feel as if I'm "on stage" (for the first few sessions, anyway.) At least online I can hide it better, and I thaw out faster.

Have you tried them both? Yep.

What differences do you notice the most between the two? an adventure that could be wrapped up in days face-to-face can take days, weeks, even months online, depending on how much RL is flipping us off at the time.

What things do you prefer/hate about face-to-face? As mentioned above, I tend to feel a bit "iced" when playing with a new group. On the other hand, there's something about having real people there to commiserate/share food/ etc. with. True, we tended to BS-around a lot, but a lot of times that was the best part of the session. :)

What things do you prefer/hate about online? As I said, I tend to flow better online, and I'm less likely to betray nervousness in a new game. Not to mention that one can hardly show up to a tabletop session in his pajamas. XD On the other hand, things take A LOT longer online, and unfortunately I've encountered people who believe because "it's just the internet" they can get away with things that would get them punched out in real life.

What specific medium do you prefer (LARP, tabletop, LJ, chatbased, etc...) and why? Forum and LJ-based, leaning more towards the latter now.

Have you ever RPed on an MMO? No. Won't rule it out in the future, though.

What did you like/hate about it? N/A
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