...'Cause you know that I can.

September 1st, 2005

Journal Info

...'Cause you know that I can.
Blast Babies RPG


September 1st, 2005

"Deep inna heart of--"

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Victoria, TX. Nice town, what I've been able to see of it at least.

All of this is a bit disconcerting to put it mildly, but given that there are thousands still in N.O. who'd kill (literally, some of them) to be in my position, I'll be keeping my gripes to a minimum.

It appears I'm a bit of a celebrity around here. A reporter came to the shelter just as we were moving in, asked if I would be willing to give an interview. I agreed, and we spoke for awhile: she asked how we got here, my feelings about it, ourt furue plans, allthe usual stuff for people trying to get their heads around something like this. It's a bit eerie, since I unfortunately missed the newscast where they showed my interview. Just hope I looked reasonable good. :)

Keeping all options open. People have been donating everything--clothing, phone cards, a satellite connection for the shelter, money for essentials....and job offers. If I get something even reasonably good, I think I'll settle in here.Even have some people at the local university willing to speak to me about transfer options; while the local university campus doesn't offer PoliSci as a major, the main campus in Houston does. And since I really only need 3cr in my minor (History) to graduate from XU...we'll see.

Now if Dad or William would just call or something.
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