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Sabaku Gaara ([info]livewire) wrote,
@ 2009-09-23 02:53:00

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Entry tags:brought to you by crazy

There was a roach in my sink. I watched it for awhile. Roaches move well. Quick and direct. People say a lot about roaches, but it's bullshit. It died and stayed dead when I crushed it with my hand. It's not the roach that lives but the roaches. They've got numbers. People are getting like that.

Do roaches eat each other if they eat all the food available? I bet they do. Would you?

I found a box of raisins in the cupboard. I hate raisins. They were my roommate's. Inside the box there was a nest. Lots of roaches. I thought about setting it on fire but I was fined when I took down the alarm last time.

I put it in the hallway. The box is half-empty now. I checked.

It's raining. I wanted to go sailing. I'll go to the roof instead. Follow me and have a fall.

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lol he's never used myspace
2009-09-23 12:11 pm UTC (link)
It wasn't hard.

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2009-09-23 12:12 pm UTC (link)
What did you do, bash Britney Spears?

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2009-09-23 12:12 pm UTC (link)

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2009-09-23 12:13 pm UTC (link)

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2009-09-23 12:16 pm UTC (link)
Leave Britney alone.

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2009-09-23 12:17 pm UTC (link)

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