Brian Redd
[Charmed to Students] 
25th-Nov-2010 08:51 pm
Ch'yeah you're in a tutu
Happy Thanksgiving.

Except Adelaide.
26th-Nov-2010 02:50 am (UTC)
Happy Thanksgiving to you too :P
26th-Nov-2010 02:51 am (UTC)
I have no reason to wish you a happy holiday when you threaten me.
26th-Nov-2010 02:52 am (UTC)
And yet I'm nice enough to wish you one even though you called me a bitch with a gay boyfriend.
26th-Nov-2010 03:08 am (UTC)
You're crazy, you could just be buttering me up for something.

It makes me uncomfortable.
26th-Nov-2010 03:11 am (UTC) - [Brian]
Actually, Erica just told me to be nicer to you because you overreact like crazy. So do I.

I wouldn't really sneeze on your stuff.
26th-Nov-2010 03:16 am (UTC) - [Adelaide]
I don't like germs, okay, and I don't know if I can trust you. You don't understand. If would take me days to fix everything.
26th-Nov-2010 03:21 am (UTC)
Happy Thanksgiving!!!1
26th-Nov-2010 03:26 am (UTC)

Hope your family is not crazy.
26th-Nov-2010 03:31 am (UTC)
Ohmigod, they're like, so crazy. Mom was all THIS TURKEY IS OVERCOOKED but its not like she even EATS turkey anyway so like, what's the big deal? Okay? And Daddy was just smoking cigars through the WHOLE MEAL RIGHT AT THE TABLE, LIKE, WHO DOES THAT so he probably couldn't even taste if it was covered in lkie sewage or something and it's just like WHY do we even do this?
26th-Nov-2010 03:32 am (UTC)
....whats wrong with the way you type?
26th-Nov-2010 03:35 am (UTC)
Oh, DAddy got me one of those little netbooks for thanksgiving breajk, you know those teeny tiny computers that are like, half the size? It's pink, SO CUTE. I;m still gettnig used to the keys, theyre like so tiny. ANYWAY HAPPY THANKSGIVING BARRY
26th-Nov-2010 03:39 am (UTC)
You got a gift for Thanksgiving? O.o That's weird.

And my name isn't Barry.
26th-Nov-2010 03:43 am (UTC)
omg i'm soooo sorry I'm always forgetting peoples names. Sometimes I sign on facebok or myspace and I'm like who even ARE all these epeople, like, it's rea;ly hard benig so popular. How ar eyou supposed to remember all your friends names?!?!
26th-Nov-2010 03:45 am (UTC)
It says my name every time I reply to you. But maybe you should try using flash cards. It could help.
26th-Nov-2010 03:51 am (UTC)
Flash cards are SOOOOOO helpful for stuff like that! And name tags! Like I know the names come up in my email, but I get so many comments that I forget which noes I'm replying to csometimes. Like I'm totalyl talking to some weird kid who said happy thanksgiving out of NOWHERE and Im' like THATS SO SWEET I SHOULD TOTALLY REPLY btu I've got no idea who is is but apparently it's not Barry. So, whatever.
26th-Nov-2010 03:58 am (UTC)
My name is Brian. I'm Ben and Erica Redd's little brother. Do you drink a lot of coffee?
26th-Nov-2010 04:00 am (UTC)
OHMYGOD YOU TOTALLY ARE I CAN'T BELEIVE I DIDN"T SEE IT your like a tiny Ben! Only you are like so much more talkative, just like Erica. I can't believe she didn't tell me she had another brother! what the hell, brb emailing her now
26th-Nov-2010 04:02 am (UTC)
She probably thought you wouldn't care?
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