Cindy looks at her, and the gears are turning too. But she realizes it's only about saving her Dad, not about going home.
Because as much as she loves her parents, and as much as she has hated every second of the past chaotic hour, she's not sure she wants to.
"Very well. The bounds in my realm the stone maintains will be unmade, but the creature will not dominate any other minds. Even those who do so far too easily will have no further need of calling down powers beyond their control this day; the rains will be of no matter. And this will all be an incomprehensible story to tell children yet unborn."
"A pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Murphy."
"And with you and your lady, Lenore Cynthia Lord."
At which point he vanishes. And soon, so do they.
The poor boys are groggy and still midnight-snacking.
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