"Wow, its kind of like when Spider and Layla hacked some accounts all over again... beds, real food... uhm, so anyway... my father's side of the family is /really/ straightforward. Iconic American patriotic hero, leader of Earth's best known super heroes... but that's another story. My mom... uhm... ok, so her body was born a mutant with the ability to steal people's powers - but also got their memories and parts of their personalities, temporarily. She used to be a supervillain - and accidentally totally stole all the powers and memories of a woman named Carol Danvers, who'd had a colorful history - and dealt with tragedy and stress much better than Anne-Marie. For a long time, she was just Rogue... herself, but with Carol's powers. Until a cosmic being took a lot of Earth's biggest heroes and villains to Battleworld - where I'd be born later. He had them fight it out... things went wrong, and they were stranded there. Eventually they made peace, but all the death and destruction kind of drove Anne-Marie crazy... Carol semi-emerged, and the two minds kind of became one. Not entirely in tune with her old friends, but aspects of her there.... so anyway...
Anne Marie had been adopted and raised by a woman named Mystique, usually a super villain. Sure, Anne Marie turned against her and became a heroine eventually... but still regarded Mystique as her mother.
Mystique also had one genetic son, who, in most worlds, she abandons just after his birth, and he grows up never knowing who his mother was. She didn't want to abandon him - but he was born looking like some kind of black, fuzzy demon, in a very religious area. She hid him, and led others away.... in some cases. Just flat out abandoned him in others or put his basket in a river.
So anyway... among the first Exiles team was a not-Grandma Mystique from a world where she never abandoned her son, still adopted Anne-Marie, and all three of them were SHIELD agents - big, international peacekeeping organization... so heroes, if kind of... spy-like ones. And much more inclined to consider us her granddaughters.
The other half of 'us' was Nocturne. Teenage daughter of Mystique's son, Kurt. Which, in that Mystique's eyes, made us cousins. Which... in my world, at the time Battleworld happened, they were both there, but weren't aware of any connection like that... Kurt was one of my teachers, but didn't know who his parents were at all. Just that he'd been abandoned as a baby.
So... yeah, weird connections and history."
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