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littleladylord ([info]littleladylord) wrote,
@ 2012-01-23 01:41:00

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Big Night.
It was Saturday night, and Cindy was going to do this properly. A card with a polite invitation to join her for dinner at 7, meeting on the first floor of HQ, had been placed in Saishu's room along with a blood-red Atelier Versace dress (slitted in the appropriate places to avoid too much movement restriction) and matching leather flat sandals. Cindy'd dressed up a bit herself.

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2012-02-08 04:40 am UTC (link)
"If we can think of something slightly more grownup, that might be nice," Cindy admits.

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2012-02-08 05:12 am UTC (link)
"I'm open to suggestions, because, cute as you are, its true, you are also most definitely grown up."

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2012-02-08 05:49 am UTC (link)
"Well, obviously, I'm fine with 'Boss' catching on as the Official Nickname with the others, but not you." She giggles sheepishly. "I'm almost tempted to suggest pumpkin for sheer approposness, but that might be too silly."

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2012-02-08 06:01 am UTC (link)
Saishu considers this, rolling the words over in her mind. "So, Ma Petit Citrouille is acceptable? I do not think any of the others speak French."

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2012-02-08 06:03 am UTC (link)
"It'll do just fine." Cindy manages to lean just a little to kiss her again.

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2012-02-08 06:22 am UTC (link)
She returns the kiss, shifting to make it easier on ragdoll Cindy. "Then that's what it will be."

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2012-02-08 06:27 am UTC (link)
"Great. ...Tonight was wonderful, again. We really need to do this more often."

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2012-02-08 06:30 am UTC (link)
"Its not like I'm settled in to my room... or used to beds, or have much to move in. If you like, we could try sharing a room, and if you need more space, we can go back to separate?"

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2012-02-08 06:32 am UTC (link)
"That... would be fantastic. I really doubt I'll find myself weighing space versus Saishu and ruling in favor of space, but thank you for the option."

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2012-02-08 06:33 am UTC (link)
Saishu nods, giving her little pumpkin a small, one-armed squeeze. "You never know what might happen, but the option is there. Until then, you can use my room for extra storage. You have more things than I do, and that should make room for my few things."

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2012-02-08 06:37 am UTC (link)
"I do seem to have a bit more stuff lately... can't think why." She smiles.

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2012-02-08 06:44 am UTC (link)
"Because you are young, wealthy and truly on your own for the first time?" From what she knows of Cindy, some material acquisitions would have come with space and freedom, regardless of the orange, so she doesn't go there.

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2012-02-08 06:45 am UTC (link)
"There is that," she acknowledges.

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2012-02-08 06:48 am UTC (link)
"Speaking of which, if there is to be more nights like tonight, you should help me shop for the things I will need to be seen out with you, and the places you like to go."

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2012-02-08 06:49 am UTC (link)
"Great. We'll get you some more clothes this weekend. And... um... Eventually... once I explain about you to my parents, they might want to meet you."

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2012-02-08 06:50 am UTC (link)
"When you are ready, yes. I will meet with your parents, and try to make a good impression. We should practice more first... they might not like me if I get frustrated or angry." Small issue there.

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2012-02-08 06:53 am UTC (link)
"Yeah. We can't have that. I'm...looking forward to practicing a lot of things."

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2012-02-08 06:57 am UTC (link)
"Such as?"

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2012-02-08 06:58 am UTC (link)
"What I was doing earlier, for instance." She blushes a little.

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2012-02-08 07:07 am UTC (link)
Cindy is too much fun to tease. "Hmm, yes. And we'll need to have you practice a lot more often... but that likely won't help in making a good impression on your parents."

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2012-02-08 07:08 am UTC (link)
"Yes. I know. Just... Yeah."

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2012-02-08 07:13 am UTC (link)
"You can practice your oral technique as much as you want." she agrees. "And I admit, I kind of like giving you the spankings... the reactions, seeing your ass turn as red as your hair. You seemed to like it."

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2012-02-08 07:14 am UTC (link)
The face will be matching her hair now. "thatpartwasniceyes," she mutters.

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2012-02-08 07:16 am UTC (link)
"As lovely as you are when you blush, I want you to tell me what you like, what you want to try... however much you might consider it unusual. We should be comfortable talking about this, if we're going to be doing it."

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2012-02-08 07:18 am UTC (link)
"Sure. Of course. More of.. um... everything we just did would be good. Definitely more of all that."

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(no subject) - [info]godownswinging, 2012-02-08 07:23 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]littleladylord, 2012-02-08 07:27 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]godownswinging, 2012-02-08 07:32 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]littleladylord, 2012-02-08 07:34 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]godownswinging, 2012-02-08 07:38 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]littleladylord, 2012-02-08 07:41 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]godownswinging, 2012-02-08 07:43 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]littleladylord, 2012-02-08 07:45 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]godownswinging, 2012-02-08 07:46 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]littleladylord, 2012-02-08 07:48 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]godownswinging, 2012-02-08 08:01 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]littleladylord, 2012-02-08 08:04 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]godownswinging, 2012-02-08 08:16 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]littleladylord, 2012-02-08 08:19 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]godownswinging, 2012-02-08 06:20 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]littleladylord, 2012-02-08 06:54 pm UTC

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