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Kassia Grace Frost-McKenzie ([info]little_mermaid) wrote,
@ 2010-08-21 23:00:00

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Into the Abyss
As Julian had said everything aligned within the week.  Sebastian Shaw was in New York and everything appeared to be in motion.  It hadn't been difficult to get an audience with Shaw; she'd simply called him and said she'd like to see him, perhaps have dinner?  She'd offered to pick him up under the guise of wanting to show off a new car but made certain to arrive early enough that she'd have to go up to his room to meet him. 

Standing outside his door, she took a deep breath before knocking.  It was now or never.

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2010-08-22 06:19 am UTC (link)
She sits down her fork and picks up her wine glass.

"I'm vegan but you will inevitably offer me the lamb. I'm fiercely independent but you're vocally treating me like a malleable child. You claim that I'm special with all the restraint in the world but we both know that behind your very manicured presentation you're just itching to get your hands on me and be that right guidance even as you're questioning my motives."

She takes a drink.

"Ever consider that I'm here because I want out from under Emma's thumb, because I want something more than what she has to offer? I'm not stupid, Sebastian. I know where the power is and I think we both know I want to be a part of it. I think we both know very much what we want."

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2010-08-22 06:44 am UTC (link)
Sebastian listens as Grace loses her patience. It was only a matter of time, really, because the girl had no discipline. Oh, he wiles might have worked on a man under twenty-five, one more ruled by his libido than his good sense. She'd have had him begging to go to bed with her ten minutes into the conversation.

The Black King, however, has seen this trick before from those far more skilled at it.

"It appears that there are things your mother declined to teach you about power, Grace." Sebastian says simply, setting down his wine glass and dismissing the server.

"Short of walking in here naked and throwing yourself at me, you couldn't have been more obvious about your intent." Sebastian says. "You call, out of the blue, and ask to have dinner before my meeting tonight, yet expect me to let you drive.

Then you saunter in here in that dress, thinking what? That I'd be so overcome by your curves that I'd whisk you away to bed and show you things boys your age can't imagine? Please." Sebastian says dismissively.

"Then, you get to what you /actually/ want, which is independence from Emma, which I respect. However, you either don't know what you're asking, or you /think/ you do, and that I'm going to give it to you on the idea that I might sleep with you? Come now, even your mother had something more to offer than her physical assets.

'Before one gets to management, one has to mop the floor.' Your mother did a lot of mopping before she proved herself. Christina came to me when she was young, and she wanted what you're asking for now, and she was willing to work for it." Sebastian says.

"What assurances do I have that, if I invest in you, Grace Frost, that I'll see a return? What can you give me that I do not already have?" Sebastian asks intently.

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2010-08-22 06:54 am UTC (link)
Shit. Shit shit shit. She should have realized that Sebastian would be a tougher customer than this, but her lack of experience was something of an issue. She hadn't been properly prepared for this and now he was asking questions that she didn't have an answer for. Was she actually going to have sex with him to get this to work? The thought was disturbing.

Then it hit her.

"The one thing you've never been able to acquire on your own." Sliding back in her chair, she slipped off one of the low boots she'd been wearing to reveal her ankle wings. "I can give you access to Namor."

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2010-08-22 07:16 am UTC (link)
Sebastian takes a look at the ankle wing, then at Grace, and suddenly, years of Emma's dodging and refusals to address Atlantis or its king suddenly become /crystal/ clear to Sebastian.

Oh, Emma, Emma, Emma. We will have words about your duplicity. Sebastian thinks. There's a very good chance he can finally get Emma voted out of the Hellfire Club and weaken DaCosta's power base.

And Namor would learn the price of defying him, after all these years.

"You have my attention, Grace. Do not waste it." Sebastian says, leaning back in his chair.

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2010-08-22 07:25 am UTC (link)
It worked. Holy crap it worked. When Sebastian leaned back in his chair she knew she'd gotten in and when he told her not to waste his attention she knew she had her chance.

"I have no desire to waste anything, Sebastian. But I was thinking that maybe tonight would be an excellent opportunity to...give. Show you my gratitude and devotion as it were."

She got up and walked towards him, and as she did she started unzipping her dress a bit.

"There is something you've always wanted just between us, isn't there?" If he didn't respond to this, she'd start questioning if her were human. Mutant. Whatever.

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2010-08-22 05:13 pm UTC (link)
Sebastian's eyes do take in her form, and he admits to himself that she is a lovely young woman. Still malleable, still untread, and ripe for molding in whatever image he desires. Christina had certainly turned out well, but Grace...Grace would bring him advantages untold...if she was sincere.

"What, exactly, is your relationship with Namor?" Sebastian asks. He definitely wants to hear her say the words before deciding.

"Would you truly be willing to side with me against your mother and father to secure the power you crave? And what, exactly are you hoping for?" he asks.

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2010-08-22 06:19 pm UTC (link)
"Well," she smiled a little, "Namor is my father. Which means I have his ear and more than that makes me a bona fide princess and would give you unparalelled access to Atlantis. And let's face it...both of my parents have failed me, Sebastian. Namor wasn't part of my life, my mother is rather neglectful. Why would I be loyal to them when they offered me nothing? You're the only person who has ever been an influence in my life and now that I'm old enough to act why wouldn't I burn the people who wronged me?"

She moved between him and the table, pushing his plate away as she sat on the edge.

"I want everything my mother has. I want to replace her. Don't you think it's about time she was...put out to pasture?"

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2010-08-22 07:58 pm UTC (link)
Sebastian considers Grace's words. Her motivations sound reasonable, but Sebastian hasn't forgotten that he's dealing with an impressionable seventeen year-old. A girl with no sense of who she really is or what she wants out of life, other than to be anything but her mother.

Still, when Grace mentions putting Emma out to pasture, Sebastian can't help but be tempted by the prospect; Complete dominion over the Hellfire Club and its resources. Once he had that, well...what couldn't he accomplish?

Still, there were considerable obstacles in this plan.

Regan would be the hardest sell on the plan; Grace's age is a prohibitive factor but, until now, they haven't had a better way to neutralize Emma's opposition on key issues. Without Emma, DaCosta is outnumbered and forced to either capitulate or resign his position, neither choice favorable to the proud Brazilian.

Sebastian tallies the necessary votes to remove Emma and install a new queen under his control. Of course, it won't be Grace. He could allow Regan to assume that position, giving the pair of them all the necessary clout to control the way the Hellfire Club thinks and moves.

They would gain a foothold and more in Providence, and then Sebastian would dismantle Oracle for Namor's previous insolence. All it would take is giving a young girl a taste of the illusion of power.

These calculations fire through Sebastian's mind in the span of seconds, the deep game he has in mind considered as he notes Grace's provocative actions.

"I agree that your mother's behavior has become...tiresome, and it's bad for business. If I were to take you under my wing, I would want certain assurances that you will do what I ask, when I ask, without any questions. I will never put you in a position where you're unable to perform the task necessary..." he says, idly reaching out to trace a curve with his index finger.

"But some situations will require you to think on your feet, to use unorthodox methods to achieve our goals. Could you do that, Grace?" Sebastian asks, his voice barely above a whisper as he leans closer to her.

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2010-08-22 08:03 pm UTC (link)
"I can do anything you want me to do." She leaned towards him a little, eyes a little wide and eager. Impressionable. Dutiful. Loyal. She'd always shown herself to be these things, always been a mindful girl who did precisely as she was told and she wanted Sebastian to remember that. "There's nothing I can't do to get to what we want..."

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2010-08-22 09:40 pm UTC (link)
"Well, I'm glad you're eager to please." Sebastian says, his hand now reaching out to cup her ass and pull her a little closer. Her perfume is delightful and not overpowering, which Sebastian has to give her points for.

She almost reminds him of a younger Regan when she joined the Club. Being able to say that he'd enjoyed all three of the Frost women made him smile.

His hand moves to the zipper of her dress, slowly sliding it down even further.

"I wholly intend to send a message to your father, Grace." Sebastian whispers.

"You'll be so much more lively than Christina, I think." he says, pushing the plate out of the way and then pushing Christina back on the table.

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2010-08-22 09:47 pm UTC (link)
It's almost over, she reminded herself. It's almost over. Just a little bit more and this will end soon.

"Tina is a little..dull. She can't help it..." Kassi grinned a little and as he pushed her back, she stole a kiss, nipping a bit at his bottom lip just to show him how lively she was.

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2010-08-23 02:05 am UTC (link)
Sebastian withdraws, pulling away from her kiss to put a finger to Grace's lips.

"You need to learn when to exhibit control, and when to go all-out, Grace." Sebastian whispers. "Slow and steady wins the race."

He reached down with his left hand to her thigh, hiking the dress up far enough that he can reach between her legs and begin toying with her nether lips through her underwear.

Sebastian could feel his head swimming just a bit, and wondered why the wine was affecting him so quickly. That usually didn't happen. Still, he toys with Grace, even as his lips find her neck, and his other hand tangles itself in her hair to pull her head back and expose her throat.

"Like this..." he whispers.

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2010-08-23 02:11 am UTC (link)
She kisses the finger as he puts it to her lips. Skin is skin and the toxin is powerful. It will take longer, but she'll dose him every chance she gets so long as she focuses. But when he reaches between her leg and begins fondling her she gasps in surprise. In all of her consideration of the task she hadn't anticipated he'd actually get to touch her like this. It was a disturbing thought, made even more disturbing as her body reacted to his touch.

It dawned on her she might actually have to fuck him and as soon as the thought crossed her mind, she started shutting off part of herself. She didn't want to think about it.

"Oh...I like that..." she moans, softly, eyes closing a bit as her throat stretches to him and she presses closer to his hand.

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2010-08-23 02:35 am UTC (link)
"Of course you do, Grace. I knew you would." Sebastian says, continuing to tease her. He could feel her getting warmer and wetter, readying herself for more than she'd bargained for in coming here tonight.

"It's not always going to be pleasant...but you'll always enjoy yourself in the end." Sebastian whispers in her ear, as he kisses her cheek, and slowly, surely, moves his way to her lips.

The kiss is electric, and now Shaw slides her underwear aside, pressing two of his fingers inside of her to drive her further toward the edge.

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2010-08-23 02:43 am UTC (link)
She tried not to think about what he was doing, his fingers slipping into her, that it was her stepfather doing this, that this was disgusting and wrong and sick. She tried not to think about what Tina must have felt when he did this to her and she tried not to wonder how he had done it. What she focused on was the kiss.

She gasp as he touched her and when his lips met with hers she kissed him hungrily, an aggressiveness he would no doubt read as desire, as want tearing through her as she meshed her mouth to his, the lipstick--and the toxin--smearing into his skin at that thinnest place on the human body. It would no doubt absorb fairly quickly now.


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2010-08-23 03:23 am UTC (link)
Shaw continues his work on Grace, but soon becomes aware of two things.

The first is that both he and Kassia can hear something that sounds like gunshots coming from outside. Shaw does have a private security team and he knows that they wouldn't be firing their weapons this early unless something was wrong.

When the lights go out, he is certain that something is wrong. He stops, removing his fingers from the young woman and breaking the kiss. As he does so, he notices the second thing that's wrong.

The room is spinning, and he's never been inebriated from wine. It takes only a moment for Sebastian Shaw to piece together what's happening.

"You!" he snarls, turning to look at Grace. He can still see her, but now the room is spinning faster and faster.

"You...lying bitch!" he slurs, reaching out to catch the girl by the throat, even as he feels numbness spreading throughout his body.

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2010-08-23 03:29 am UTC (link)
"Not technically. I said I wanted power. I'm taking power. And getting justice while I'm at it. You raped my sister when she was a child you sick fuck!"

In the dark it's hard to dodge, but when he reaches for her throat, he gets a fist full of hair instead as she scrambles off the table.

"If there's a hell you're going there tonight."

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2010-08-23 03:46 am UTC (link)
Shaw shakes his head, trying to clear it of the poison, but the symptoms only seem to get worse by the second.

"Not...if I send you there first." he says, yanking on her hair.

"Your sister wasn't raped. She came willingly. She did what she was told and got paid for her work. /She/ knew what she had to do to get ahead." Shaw says.

"But she was the first to suffer for Namor's disrespect of me. Do you know..." he pauses, chuckling..."do you know that she used to call his name, begging him to come and save her from me?

And your mother...she knew the whole time...and did /nothing/ to help Tina. She enjoyed the power I gave her through Tina's work. I'm sure she would have let you work for me soon enough." Sebastian says, lunging at Grace again.

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2010-08-23 03:51 am UTC (link)
"I spoke to Kine myself you lying sack of shit!" She jerked away from Shaw, not caring if he ripped a clump of her hair out, and grabbed a vase off the table, hurling it at his face.

"He told me exactly what you both did to her, how she pleaded for mercy and how you showed her none. And now NEITHER of you will know mercy."

He had to be lying about Emma....he had to.

"YOU ARE A LIAR!" She grabbed a chair and swung at him.

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2010-08-23 04:17 am UTC (link)
Sebastian has to lean against a wall for a moment, his breathing labored, as he watched the girl scramble away. The vase hits him, but doesn't hurt him at all.

He chuckles a bit more as the chair hits him, splinters, and does no damage. He quickly lashes out to punch her in the face, striking with far more strength than any man should.

"Why lie? Your mother didn't mind whoring herself out for power. Whoring out her daughters /certainly/ isn't out of her comfort zone." he says, moving to strike her again.

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2010-08-24 12:00 am UTC (link)
It was fortunate that Kassia was half-Atlantean or that punch would have done more damage than it did, though it still hurt and would leave some semblance of a bruise.

She dodged his next blow. All she had to do was avoid him until the toxin completely took hold."Why lie? Because there is one thing my mother would never do and THAT is it." Emma wasn't the best mother, but she had a protective streak a mile wide. There was no way she would have handed Tina over like that, no possible way unless..

....unless she didn't know she was doing it.

"You sick, sick fuck..."It was a theory, and a shaky one at best, but given the caliber of the monster in front of her, it strangely made sense.

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2010-08-24 02:04 am UTC (link)
His swings are powerful, but coming slower and slower. He's starting to realize that the more he moves, the further the poison goes into his veins. Shaw shakes his head again, trying to clear it, while he tries to get his brain in gear to think of a way out of this.

"Stupid...girl. You think no one will notice if you kill me? You think...you think your mother and Christina will be safe?" he snarls, leaning heavily against the wall.

"You'll never...g-get away with it. And then mommy and daddy won't be able to save you. No one will." he says.

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2010-08-24 02:20 am UTC (link)
"Oh no, I'll get away with it. And I don't need anyone to save me. I'm here to save myself and my family and free them of the goddamn cancer that is you!" Kassi snarled and continued to evade him. "Face it, old man...you've been beaten by not only a girl but a child."

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2010-08-24 02:36 am UTC (link)
"You...you've no /idea/ what you've done. Whoever you're doing this for is going to betray you...once they realize you're worthless." Sebastian grins, even as his breathing becomes labored.

"You're a dead woman, Frost. You...and your sister, and your mother..." Sebastian heaves, slumping to the floor, staring at her with hate in his eyes.

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2010-08-24 02:41 am UTC (link)
"Well, I have to disagree with you, Sebastian." a new voice says, entering the room.

Julian Gallio surveys the scene and looks Kassia over, before looking at Sebastian.

"Kassia is /extremely/ worthy, and she's right. You did just lose to a couple of upstarts. I want you to think about that in these last moments.

I also want you to know that the Hellfire Club is mine, as of tonight. You and yours have done a lot of people a bad turn, Shaw, and I intend to rectify these mistakes. But that's not really for you to worry about." Julian says, before turning back to Kassia.

"Are you all right?" he asks. "Who knows you're here?"

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2010-08-24 02:51 am UTC (link)
Julian's presence has never been more welcome and though it takes great restraint, Kassia somehow manages not to run to him and cling for dear life. It occurs to her, in subtle ways, that she's beyond that kind of fear now.

"Yeah," she says. "I'm okay. He didn't get far." She still wanted to bathe in bleach for as far as he did get. "The son of a bitch...what he did to Tina was just the tip of the treachery.

"No one knows I'm here. Just you."

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2010-08-24 03:10 am UTC (link)
"Good. Here's what comes next. Go home, put on a new dress, and go somewhere public. Make sure a lot of people see you.

In fact, go to my club if you have to. Just be somewhere where people can corroborate your story." Julian says, loosening his tie and taking off his coat.

"You and I didn't see each other at any point this evening and that's your story, no matter who asks." Julian says with authority.

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2010-08-24 03:20 am UTC (link)
"If I go to your club, I better the fuck not be carded because I need a drink. Understood?"

Dress, visibility, total deniability. Kassia could do this. She would do this. She had to.

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2010-08-24 03:34 am UTC (link)
"Instead, I have a better idea. Go to that dive burger joint near ESU. I think it's called Big...Nick's or something. Go eat, relax, call your sister or a couple of friends and make sure everyone there sees you." Julian says.

He couldn't have her getting his club shut down for underage drinking.

"I'll call you again before the night is over." Julian tells her.

"My drive is waiting a mile and a half down the road, outside the gate. Go now." Julian says.

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2010-08-24 03:42 am UTC (link)
"...ok. Ok." She took a quick look around the room and found her purse. "Big Nick's. Got it. Thank you, Julian."

She looked at him a moment and left, hurrying away from the scene of the crime and anything even remotely close to what had once been her life.

New world, indeed.

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