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ng_hellfire ([info]ng_hellfire) wrote in [info]little_mermaid,
"Compared to Europe, America is living in the past in some ways. A girl your age could have a drink with dinner and no one would bat an eye. Here, it's a court case at the /least/." Sebastian jokes.

"You know, I heard she was seeing a young man, but I don't know much more than that. I hope he's treating her well. I'm very protective of you and Tina, as you well know." Sebastian says as the salads arrive.

He pours the Italian dressing among the vegetables, picks up his salad fork, and takes a bite. His eyes close as he enjoys the food, amazed at Lucille's skill. It also gives him a little time to ponder what Grace hasn't told him yet, that being what she wants.

"Oh, you had no need to be jealous, Grace. Yes, Christina was always very possessive of me. She considered me hers, and it's always been hard for her to share things. She's like your mother, in that respect. However, I never meant to make you feel left out or unwanted.

Will you allow me an opportunity to mend my ways, Grace?" he asks.

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