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ng_hellfire ([info]ng_hellfire) wrote in [info]little_mermaid,
Shaw continues his work on Grace, but soon becomes aware of two things.

The first is that both he and Kassia can hear something that sounds like gunshots coming from outside. Shaw does have a private security team and he knows that they wouldn't be firing their weapons this early unless something was wrong.

When the lights go out, he is certain that something is wrong. He stops, removing his fingers from the young woman and breaking the kiss. As he does so, he notices the second thing that's wrong.

The room is spinning, and he's never been inebriated from wine. It takes only a moment for Sebastian Shaw to piece together what's happening.

"You!" he snarls, turning to look at Grace. He can still see her, but now the room is spinning faster and faster.

"You...lying bitch!" he slurs, reaching out to catch the girl by the throat, even as he feels numbness spreading throughout his body.

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