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Like a crisp new page... [Feb. 20th, 2008|11:04 am]
[Current Location |At the computer lab]
[Current Mood | geeky]

I should not be creating a journal.
I should be studying for my Brit midterm in... 45 minutes. Because if I get in there and don't freaking know what 'fabliau', 'gnomic' and the Invasion of 1066 are, I'm in trouble. (A short slapstick narrative about sex/money/infedelity, a wise saying or advice, and the invasion of England by William, Duke of Normandy, who spoke French but English didn't change even though they were taken over.)
Huh. Maybe I'll do fine after all.
This site's background color makes me much happier than InsaneJournal's. And, as another plus, there's no spastically grinning face. HALLELUJAH, that thing scared me.
So far, if I can just get through today, I'll be fine. What with the midterm, and the presentation due tonight, I'm just praying I'll make it. Because if I can get through today all right? It's going to be smooth sailing. Really. No more reading 'A Doll's House' and dealing with the group I had to pull together and the teacher spazzed on...
It'll be fine.
That's a very relieving thought.  

I'll upload userpics and mood icons (if able) once I'm back at the apartment, late tonight. Yay new journal and new writing possibilities...

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