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Paper [Apr. 19th, 2009|01:11 pm]
[Current Mood |pessimistic]

I just want to watch anime.
And write.
And NOT write this paper, which I'm going to have a hell of a time defending in class, especially with Kimberly the Questioning in my class. *hides under table* I wish I hadn't scheduled my proposal meeting for another class on Monday. I need all the time I have...
I don't have anything to read at Writing club today. =( Sad day. Sad sad day.
like 07-Ghost, and Pandora Hearts (Which I'm, like, bloody obsessed with), and Reborn! and... more. Should not have wasted so much time last night.
Though Opera Without Subtitles was fantastic. Pretty voices and singers and Wilden really is made for pretty music echoing drama.

So yeah. Paper due Monday. Which means I actually have to have a bibliography.
Dude, I want Starbucks.

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