Subarashii - Typos are win [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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Typos are win [Oct. 29th, 2008|04:22 pm]
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[Current Mood |crazy]

"Finally, it is helpless to look at film’s effectiveness in teaching major world languages as second languages."
I love my typos. Thank God I realized it was there. I don't care if the paper isn't due til the tenth, I can just see myself leaving "helpless" instead of "helpFUL" in there. -_- Almost as good as "The value of nature is value!"

From: [info]goddessnamra
2008-10-30 01:04 am (UTC)


"The value of nature is value!" is my favorite typo. Aside from the ones trying to type "goodnight" and "god threw up" instead of dog. :D