Subarashii - January 12th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 12th, 2009

PD and first day [Jan. 12th, 2009|08:37 pm]
[Current Mood | uncomfortable]

Kinda strange to say so now, but the Pushing Daisies first season I got for Christmas kind of creeps the hell out of me.
I liked the episodes I saw, but after watching two episodes and getting the chills and having my stomach churn at certain points... it's like I like it a lot, sometimes, and then I get terrified. I'm so immature. Really, it's not that creepy, most of the time, but sometimes... but I feel an obligation to watch it. Which makes no sense. Who the hell am I obligated to? My parents? Heh, my mom is probably the reason it makes me uncomfortable to watch it!
Anyhow, I'm strange.
First day went fine. Dull, mostly, but fine.
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