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And so what we have learned applies to our lives today [Feb. 26th, 2008|04:07 pm]
[Current Mood | productive]
[Current Music |April Child - Rigoletto]

Things I learned today:
1) How to speak in casual Japanese form.
2) That I am more out of shape than I suspected.
3) That I can view exercise in two forms: You are either working OFF the chicken enchilada you ate last night, or you are working TOWARDS the Snickers blended drink you want to have tomorrow morning before Brit. Lit. Take your pick, but you have to exercise either way. -_-
4) Inking with fine point sharpie is near impossible if you've done too much detail.
5) Sleep is good (oh wait, I knew that before...)
6) Bible teachers say the DARNDEST things. Last class, she told us we could rip up our Bibles into separate books so they would be easier to carry around. This class, she told us practically her life story (it did relate to Moses... well, sort of...). She's a sweet teacher, but she likes her tangents. I hope all that stuff about Korea won't be on the exam...
7) IT GETS FREAKING HOT HERE. Shorts and T-shirt are essential.
8) And other, random stuff, like my schedule on Wednesday is going to explode. Really. Kablam. Splody.

Turned in the illustration of a guy sitting in front of a jury for the school paper today. I hope... I hope they print it. I'm just used to doing things, like writing a play for the Easter pageant at church or something like that, and then not having it come through. It always shatters me when it doesn't though, so I really hope this does.

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