Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Matt
Email: On record
AIM (if you have one):
Character Name: Eiltin(EL-teen)
Character LJ (if applicable):
Physical description (face, build, weight): Eiltin is 6’ 4” feet tall and 410lbs. He is viewed as being small by most Danaan warriors since they are typically over 7 feet tall. He has blue tattoos on his body and on his face. Eiltin has blue eyes and blond hair.
Age: 19
Birthday: May 11
PB: (If using one.) Chris Hemsworth
Abilities: Can speak the Celtic Family of languages and English
Highly trained Warrior- He is trained by Scathach in martial arts that take advantage of his speed and agility and he is exceptionally talented with a spear and can use other Celtic weapons effectively.
Superhuman strength – While he does have it compared to the other Celtics he is very weak and only able to lift roughly 3 tons.
Superhuman Speed- His speed is greater than most gods. When moving at near his top speeds it is difficult for most beings to even see him. The upper limits of his speed are unknown but are assumed to be lower than his fathers. He needs to work up to his higher speeds and cannot just immediately go to them.
Superhuman Stamina- His Stamina is far beyond that of a normal human though well below normal for a Celtic god.
Superhuman Durability- Eiltin's body is much tougher and more resistant to physical injury than the body of a human being. His joints, muscles, and skin are also particularly well adapted to sustain the intense rigors of running at tremendous velocities without suffering wear and tear. Eiltin's sensory output is also specially developed for the rigors of moving at great velocities, enabling him to see, hear, and smell normally.
Superhumanly Dense Tissue: Eiltin's skin, muscle, and bone tissues have about 2 times the density as the same tissue in the body of a human being. This contributes, at least somewhat, to Eiltin's weight and superhuman strength.
Superhuman Agility: Eiltin's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.
Superhuman Reflexes: Eiltin's reflexes are similarly enhanced and are superior to those of the finest human athlete, and most other gods for that matter. Eiltin's reflexes are practically instantaneous and enable him to react while moving at high velocities, such as jumping or ducking or making turns just as a human does while running.
Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite his body's great resistance to injury, Eiltin can still be hurt. Like all other Celtic gods, Eiltin's accelerated metabolism and the mystical energies of his godly life force enable him to rapidly heal damaged bodily tissues much faster and more extensively than a human is capable of but much slower than most Celtic gods. He can't, however, regenerate missing limbs or organs, at least not without the aid of powerful and outside mystical forces. His body is immune, however, to all known Earthly diseases and infections.
Celtic Magic: Eiltin has basic knowledge of Celtic Magic and can use it make mild agustments to his appearance, Celtic symbology though only to draw minor signs of protection, and open up a fairy mound to Avalon.
Gift of Song- While he does not often use this he is a highly skilled singer who has bardic training from his father Caber.
Due to his nature as a demi-god Eiltin can spend an unlimited amount of time on earth without his powers weakening or dying as would happen to a Celtic God without a human host.
Weaknesses and flaws: Eiltin is technically a mortal though he can live longer he will die but in death he has a chance of being apotheosis to a full-fledged Celtic God. He also has the other weakness of the Celtic gods
Since much of his godly energies are devoted to his speed he is much weaker and heals slowers that the average Celtic God or Demi-God
Character location/Home: Tir na nOg
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero
Relatives (living/dead?): Caber-Father, Mortal Woman- Mother, Brigid-Foster Mother, Ogma- Grandfather, Etan- Grandmother, Taranis- Uncle, Iarbonel- great-grandfather, Gaea/Danu- great-grandmother, the Dagda, Leir, Nuada- Great-uncles, Bodb, Macha, Morrigan- Great-aunts, Red Lord, Bran, Gwynn, Gwythr, Lugh, Mannana, Manawydan, Branwen, Bendigeit- Firstcousins once removed
Backstory: Born of a romantic tryst between Caber and a Mortal Woman in Avalon, Eiltin was born a demi god who was not very strong and lacked the greatly enhanced regenerative abilities that most Celtic Gods and demi Gods possess which made him be viewed as lesser and was not treated well by most of the Tuatha da Danaan. Since he did not have a mother to help raise him it was decided that he needed a foster-mother to help raise him and Brigid volunteered to take that role. Eiltin began walking at an early age and now long after that he was running at speeds that most gods could not catch him much to his father’s delight. Even so speed was not something prized among the Celts especially without strength or the toughness.
When he was five Caber started looking for someone to train his son how to fight and other skill he might need though had great difficulty doing so since most didn’t want to try him given his disadvantages. It got to the point that Caber would have trained Eiltin if not for the taboo about how only woman may train men and vice versa. However Brigid thought of Scathach who had trained many mortal warriors though had not had much chance to do so in recent years. However one thing that Caber did make sure he taught Eiltin was the basics of the bardic arts.
Eiltin trained very hard with Scathach trying to prove his worth and she saw something in him that she liked. When he was seven she took him to pick out a Celtic War Hound (CĂș Faoil) pup and he quickly bounded with the runt of the litter. He named the dog, Ruarc, and Eiltin and the dog were rarely ever apart. As he trained more and more with Scathach it became apparent that he was best with the spear and they focused on combining that skill with his speed to make up for his lack of strength and toughness.
After he had finished his training with Scathach his Foster Mother Brigid gave him an enchanted spear, Sleg Tapa, which she had made herself. The spear is a very powerful weapon though much of it power remains locked until Eiltin can earn access to those powers and currently only shows the fact that the spear is all but indestructible. While he had become a truly skilled warrior Eiltin had trouble getting people to give him respect especially among the other warriors. During the most recent Fomorian attack he proved himself in battle showing himself to be just as skilled or better than many of the warriors around his age. Very quickly some of the warrior gods who used to not even consider him a real warrior now saw the possibilities he could present them.
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Eiltin is a Celtic demigod and has been known to be sent on work for the Celts on earth since he can work there with full power without a host.
What are you planning to do with this character? : I would like for him to interact with some of the other godlings.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: I want Eiltin to develop more and to prove himself more to the Celts.
Sample post: Messanger duty was something Eiltin always found to be distasteful and boring. He also disliked that he had to leave Ruarc behind since as fast as the dog was he could not keep up with him when he started running. But if the Dagda requested that he deliver a message to each of the four cities of Tir na nOg then he really couldn’t refuse him especially since his father was busy working on his latest epic.
It would take him an hour to take care of this even with his speed but the wonderus slights of his home did make the running worth it and this run would let him see a lot of his home. He did need to take a break in each city to catch his breath quickly since he lacked his father’s incredible endurance while running. The run from Murias to Falias was particularly beautiful with the cliffs near the shore. He did make sure he had brought his spear with him for that part since it would also take him past the entrance to the Dark Relm and he wanted to be armed should he run into any Fomorian.
He wasn’t sure what message he was delivering but it was probably of some importance and as much as he wanted to know since it would be dishonorable for him to look without permission.