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Rise of The Red Lord [18 May 2012|03:10pm]
1. Ophis releases the Fomorians from the Dark Realm to battle and distract the Tuatha de Danaan while he works on his real plan of unleashing the Red Lord from his prison in the Spiral Tower of Anwnn.

2. Morrigan pissed off about how someone is manipulating events and causing war and destruction in the Celtic lands and it's not her.

3. She goes off to help the mortals deal with her son.

Possible Ending
a. Manage to kill Bodb Derg without destorying the world. Morrigan declares blood debt upon those involved

b. Morrigan stops them for killing or binding the Red Lord again and escapes away with her son

c. Morrigan helps them bind the Red Lord in Anwnn again.
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[ viewing | May 18th, 2012 ]
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