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2nd January 20139th October 2012
The Bane
: ![]() Name: Lén MacBodb PB: Ethan Hawke History: Lén is the demi-god son of Bodb Derg also known as the Red Lord and Francesca Grace from the last time the Red Lord was freed. Due to Bodb's magic he was born within days and after Grace went good she was made to forget. Lén was raised by Bane agents of his father in secret and trained in his powers. Once he got older he took over leadership of the Bane and started his own company, Environ-Tech. This is a company that clean up environment disasters which they have a hand in causing and make the clean up process not as effective as it should be. Abilities: Lén has the standard power set of a celtic demigod though his magical power has been increased by his bane spirit. He can use a dark form of druidry based around the powers of rot and decay. He is also a skilled swordsman. ![]() Fallout Name: Sarah Neilson PB:Mini Andén History: Sarah was born to hippie parents whom were major supporters of the environment under the name Rainbow Sunshine. She grew to resent her parents and all that they stood for. When she was old enough she left her family and changed her name. Her strong feelings against the environment attracted a Bane spirit to her which bonded with her and after joining The Bane she has not looked back since and has been rather enjoying herself. Abilities: Can absorb almost all forms of radiation and release the captured radiation as energy blasts or bursts of super-speed that leaves a radiation trail. ![]() Smog Name: Joseph Morley PB: Sam Claflin History: Joseph is an opportunist who doesn't particularly care about anything beside making a quick buck. After causing an environmental disaster at his place of work while trying to make some extra cash he attracted a Bane spirit. He does not particularly care about the goals of the Bane and only wants to make more money but Lén does pay him well to keep him on task. Abilities: Joseph can turn into a cloud of smog with the same mass as his regular body weight. While he can stay smog for indefinitely he can be effected by any chemical reactions that effect smog and being dispersed would be really bad for him. ![]() Junkyard Name: Kevin Dunn PB: Matthew Goode History: Kevin was just a street thug until he mad the mistake of trying to mug Lén. Lén found Kevin to be very entertaining even after quickly beating him with his powers and offer him great power in exchange for his service. Kevin said yes and was bond to a bane spirit. While he enjoys his new powers to his still very much a street thug at heart. Abilities: Can transform his body into what appears to be made of scrap metal. In that form he has superhuman strength and Durability. He can also explode himself sending scrap metal flying but it takes some time for him to rebuild himself afterwards. ![]() Rust Name: Peter Argyle PB: Drew Fuller History: Peter was a soldier who fought in the second Iraq war and was discharged with a bad case of post-traumatic stress disorder which made him prone to violence and destruction. During one of his more destructive outbursts he attracted a bane spirit which empowered him. Lén likes to use him for work the requires a professional touch though usually with a handler to keep him under-control. Abilities: Peter has the ability to corrode metal by touching it and superhuman strength. Peter is a skilled fighter having been well trained in the Army Rangers. ![]() Ooze Name: Sakura Kumamoto PB: Kim Chiu History: Sakura was a normal young women until the Yakuza killed her husband. She prayed to any power for the strength to get her revenge for her husbands death. A bane spirit granted her the power to do so and she killed the entire Yakuza cell responsible for her husband's death. She has served the Bane loyally ever since in thanks for granting her her revenge. Abilities: Can transform into a toxic ooze with limited shapeshifting ![]() Deadzone Name: Albert Jefferson PB: Jim Caviezel History: Albert was a junior professor at a prestigious college teaching history when he lost his job due to crazy theories about the history of the world about the origins of the gods in world mythology. But losing his job did not stop him only making him even more determined. His research lead him to the Bane who lead him where he was promised lost knowledge by the Red Lord in exchange for service. Abilities: Can form four ghost like arms out of his back that possess tremendous strength and can generate energy blasts. He is also a brilliant historian with many high academic connections. ![]() Landshark Name: Rebecca Landsdale PB:Sky Ferreira History: Rebecca grew up on the gulf coast the daughter of a fisherman. She grew up around boats and the ocean. But when scientists told her father he was no longer allowed to fish in the places he used to it bankrupted her father and broke his will. She could not take it and fought back. This brought her attention to the Bane granting her power to fight back which she does with great fury. Abilities: Rebecca can transform into a were-shark at will superhuman strength, durability, and razor sharp teeth. In that form she is also capable of surviving underwater perfectly fine and can swim at rapid speeds.
Red Lord Returns
The end of the world scenarios for the other pantheons set off the Fomorians to make another major attack on the Tuatha de Danann for Tir na nOg. Meanwhile the Red Lord is freed as leaves to the Dying Realm. It is decided by the Tuatha to deal with one threat at a time and deal with the Fomorians first whom are considered the bigger threat. One of the Tuatha Gods (Morrigan, The Dadga, or Brigid) decides to temporarily leave to battle to help mortals deal with the Red Lord for what time they can spare. : The Red Lord goes on a battle path of destruction after calling forth his Bane to join him. The Champions and Thunderbolts go to fight him after enough major environmental damage is done. They fight the Bane and do poorly as they are becoming more powerful as the Red Lord does by the more environmental damage done. Any direct attacks on the Red Lord are shrugged off and laughed after before being blasted away. The Tuatha god intervenes as things go bad with powerful druidic magic driving them back if however briefly. The god forces a tactical retreat to explain the truth of the situation. The Red Lord is explained to be a former member of the Tuatha and son of Morrigan and the Dadga. He went dark and attempted to take leadership of the Tuatha by force but failed and was banished for his action. During this banishment he attracted the attention of the darkside of Danu(Gaia) which bound with him and transformed him into the Red Lord. Due to the threat he poised to the world they battled him and imprisoned him within Annwn locking him away. It is explained that they are currently not strong enough to bind the Red Lord again, at least not while the war continues between the Tuatha and the Fomorians. But if they could find the Green Knight the Red Lord's counter part he might be able to help bind him again. A plan is formed to deal with the threat of the Red Lord and the Bane. A team of heavies goes to stall the Red Lord and the Bane and prevent them from becoming more powerful with the gods help. The are also given the powers of the Pendragon spirits to try to even up the fight. The other team goes to Avalon to find the Green Knight for aid against the Red Lord with aid from Eiltin as their guide. After the Green Knight is found an revived and his Formorian guards are beaten the Dying world team is signaled and the God and any other magic users there help transport themselves and the Red Lord to Avalon. There they fight and the Red Lord is rebound. The Bane are still on the loose causing trouble and will try to free their lord again at some point. 18th May 2012
Rise of The Red Lord
1. Ophis releases the Fomorians from the Dark Realm to battle and distract the Tuatha de Danaan while he works on his real plan of unleashing the Red Lord from his prison in the Spiral Tower of Anwnn. : 2. Morrigan pissed off about how someone is manipulating events and causing war and destruction in the Celtic lands and it's not her. 3. She goes off to help the mortals deal with her son. Possible Ending a. Manage to kill Bodb Derg without destorying the world. Morrigan declares blood debt upon those involved b. Morrigan stops them for killing or binding the Red Lord again and escapes away with her son c. Morrigan helps them bind the Red Lord in Anwnn again. 27th April 2012
Champion Version
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Matt : Email: On record AIM (if you have one): Character Name: Eiltin(EL-teen) Character LJ (if applicable): Physical description (face, build, weight): Eiltin is 6’ 4” feet tall and 410lbs. He is viewed as being small by most Danaan warriors since they are typically over 7 feet tall. He has blue tattoos on his body and on his face. Eiltin has blue eyes and blond hair. Age: 20 Birthday: May 11 PB: (If using one.) Chris Hemsworth Abilities: Can speak the Celtic Family of languages and English Highly trained Warrior- He is trained by Scathach in martial arts that take advantage of his speed and agility and he is exceptionally talented with a spear and can use other Celtic weapons effectively. He has also gotten some training from his grandfather Ogma in the art of fighting as a champion. Superhuman strength – While he does have it compared to the other Celtics he is very weak and only able to lift roughly 3 tons. Superhuman Speed- His speed is greater than most gods. When moving at near his top speeds it is difficult for most beings to even see him. The upper limits of his speed are unknown but are assumed to be lower than his fathers. He needs to work up to his higher speeds and cannot just immediately go to them. Superhuman Stamina- His Stamina is far beyond that of a normal human though well below normal for a Celtic god. Superhuman Durability- Eiltin's body is much tougher and more resistant to physical injury than the body of a human being. His joints, muscles, and skin are also particularly well adapted to sustain the intense rigors of running at tremendous velocities without suffering wear and tear. Eiltin's sensory output is also specially developed for the rigors of moving at great velocities, enabling him to see, hear, and smell normally. Superhumanly Dense Tissue: Eiltin's skin, muscle, and bone tissues have about 2 times the density as the same tissue in the body of a human being. This contributes, at least somewhat, to Eiltin's weight and superhuman strength. Superhuman Agility: Eiltin's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. Superhuman Reflexes: Eiltin's reflexes are similarly enhanced and are superior to those of the finest human athlete, and most other gods for that matter. Eiltin's reflexes are practically instantaneous and enable him to react while moving at high velocities, such as jumping or ducking or making turns just as a human does while running. Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite his body's great resistance to injury, Eiltin can still be hurt. Like all other Celtic gods, Eiltin's accelerated metabolism and the mystical energies of his godly life force enable him to rapidly heal damaged bodily tissues much faster and more extensively than a human is capable of but much slower than most Celtic gods. He can't, however, regenerate missing limbs or organs, at least not without the aid of powerful and outside mystical forces. His body is immune, however, to all known Earthly diseases and infections. Celtic Magic: Eiltin has basic knowledge of Celtic Magic and can use it make mild agustments to his appearance, Celtic symbology though only to draw minor signs of protection, and open up a fairy mound to Avalon. Champions Voice- Eiltin's voice has a mesmerizing quality too it similar to a bards but less well trained. He can use it to invoke emotions in people and raise or lower morale in battle. Due to a little training from his father he is a very good storyteller with knowledge of many of the tales of the Celtic lands. Due to his nature as a demi-god Eiltin can spend an unlimited amount of time on earth without his powers weakening or dying as would happen to a Celtic God without a human host. Weaknesses and flaws: Eiltin is technically a mortal though he can live longer he will die but in death he has a chance of being apotheosis to a full-fledged Celtic God. He also has the other weakness of the Celtic gods Since much of his godly energies are devoted to his speed he is much weaker and heals slowers that the average Celtic God or Demi-God Character location/Home: Tir na nOg Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero Relatives (living/dead?): Caber-Father, Mortal Woman- Mother, Brigid-Foster Mother, Ogma- Grandfather, Etan- Grandmother, Taranis- Uncle, Iarbonel- great-grandfather, Gaea/Danu- great-grandmother, the Dagda, Leir, Nuada- Great-uncles, Bodb, Macha, Morrigan- Great-aunts, Red Lord, Bran, Gwynn, Gwythr, Lugh, Mannana, Manawydan, Branwen, Bendigeit- Firstcousins once removed Backstory: Born of a romantic tryst between Caber and a Mortal Woman in Avalon, Eiltin was born a demi god who was not very strong and lacked the greatly enhanced regenerative abilities that most Celtic Gods and demi Gods possess which made him be viewed as lesser and was not treated well by most of the Tuatha da Danaan. Since he did not have a mother to help raise him it was decided that he needed a foster-mother to help raise him and Brigid volunteered to take that role. Eiltin began walking at an early age and now long after that he was running at speeds that most gods could not catch him much to his father’s delight. Even so speed was not something prized among the Celts especially without strength or the toughness. When he was five Caber started looking for someone to train his son how to fight and other skill he might need though had great difficulty doing so since most didn’t want to try him given his disadvantages. It got to the point that Caber would have trained Eiltin if not for the taboo about how only woman may train men and vice versa. However Brigid thought of Scathach who had trained many mortal warriors though had not had much chance to do so in recent years. However one thing that Caber did make sure he taught Eiltin was the basics of the bardic arts his form of some father son bonding Eiltin trained very hard with Scathach trying to prove his worth and she saw something in him that she liked. When he was seven she took him to pick out a Celtic War Hound (Cú Faoil) pup and he quickly bounded with the runt of the litter. He named the dog, Ruarc, and Eiltin and the dog were rarely ever apart. As he trained more and more with Scathach it became apparent that he was best with the spear and they focused on combining that skill with his speed to make up for his lack of strength and toughness. After he had finished his training with Scathach his Foster Mother Brigid gave him an enchanted spear, Sleg Tapa, which she had made herself. The spear is a very powerful weapon though much of it power remains locked until Eiltin can earn access to those powers and currently only shows the fact that the spear is all but indestructible. While he had become a truly skilled warrior Eiltin had trouble getting people to give him respect especially among the other warriors. During the most recent Fomorian attack he proved himself in battle showing himself to be just as skilled or better than many of the warriors around his age. Very quickly some of the gods who used to not even consider him a real warrior now saw the possibilities he could present them. How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Eiltin is a Celtic demigod and has been known to be sent on work for the Celts on earth since he can work there with full power without a host. What are you planning to do with this character? : I would like for him to interact with some of the other godlings. What do you want to see happen with this character?: I want Eiltin to develop more and to prove himself more to the Celts. 9th July 2011
Celtic Magic Objects
As a general Rule the Tuatha de Danaan would not just lend these out no would they tolerate them being taken would would seek to take them back by force. : The Four Jewels of Ireland Lia Fáil- Crafted in the Tir na nOg city of Falias this stone is hidden by the Tuatha de Danaan in County Meath in Ireland near the Hill of Tara and will cry out when stood upon by the true king of Ireland granting them true Sovereignty of Ireland. Slaughter- Also known as the Spear of Light or the Spear of Lug. This spear was crafted in the Tir na nOg city of Gorias. It is said no battle was ever sustained against it, or against the man who held it. The spear will respond to its users commands, be summoned from afar, and create energy blasts from it's spear head. The spear when not in use must be kept in a cauldron of boiling blood to satiate it's killing fervor less it start killing by itself. The spear can also will it's user with it's blood-lust if they are not prepared to deal with it turning them in to uncontrollable killers. It is currently in Cuchulain's possession in Avalon. Undry- Crafted in the Tir na nOg city of Murias. This cauldron contains a perpetual supply of physical and spiritual nourishment that always leave those feed from it satisfied. It is currently in the Dagda's possession. Claiomh Solais- Also known as the Sword of Light. This sword as crafted in the Tir na nOg city of Findias. The sword burns with mystical energy and can easily cleave anything in half. It currently belongs to Nuada. Others Gáe Bulg- A magical spear made from the bone of a sea monster, the Coinchenn, that had died while fighting another sea monster, the Curruid. The spear originally belonged to Scathach who would later give it to Cuchulain and they are they only two who know the secrets of how to use the spear. In there hands when thrown it will always strike the heart of it's intended target bypassing all shields and armor. Cuchulain still has the spear though no longer uses it. Uaithne- A highly ornamented magical harp made of oak the belongs to the Dagda. It will always return to the Dagda if he calls for it and is capable of killing people who would stop it from doing so. When played it can control the order of the seasons and the weather. The Club of the Dagda- It is capable of killing nine men with a single blow and with its handle the Dagda could return the slain to life. It can also be used to channel spell. The Salmon of Wisdom- Soaked in Connla's Well of Wisdom when eaten it imbued the eater with all the knowledge contained within the well.
Sleg Tapa
Sleg Tapa : Description: Eiltin's spear is over seven feet in length with a spear head that's almost 2 feet in length with a metal butt at the other end of the spear and is constructed of wood and metal native to Tir na nOg. There is a subtle but intricate design the weaves it's way through the entirety of the spear. History: Eiltin's spear was specifically made for him by his Foster-Mother Brigid after he finished his training with Scathach and as such is on par with weapons made by the best blacksmiths of any other pantheon. Though the spears full powers are still locked until he can prove his worth of having access to them. Abilities: Eiltin's spear is indestructible including the wooden aspects of it. He can use the spear while moving at his top speed without it impeding his speed or it's. As of yet Eiltin doesn't know what else the spear can do. 11th June 2011
Wind God
Due to his Demigod nature and not having the full divine energies that a full god has Eiltin's powers as a god are not up to there full levels that he would potentially have as a full god. Such as greater super-strength, endurance, and healing. : One of the big ones that even he does not even know he has is wind control as a wind god which is were he gets his speed from not being a god of speed. As a full god he could control the winds to a degree. But as it stands right not he can do anything with this power but occasionally when feeling strong emotions sometimes this power will flare up as a wind storm or some other unnatural wind event. 10th June 2011
Red Lord Rises
1. The cabal of evil underworld gods and rulers convene to come up with a way to get more souls for themselves for their realms. After some bickering and infighting someone suggests they free the Red Lord Bodb Derg and make a deal with him that he send them more souls. : 2. The cabal then invades Annwn to get to his spiral tower. The Celtic gods and maybe the defenders help to fight off the attack as to keep the balance in the underworld. 3. They don't realize that this whole attack was just a distraction so that they could get to the Red Lord and free him. Before they bring him to earth they make a deal with him for what they want and Bodb Derg seems to agree. 4. When they get to earth however the Red Lord attacks them and drives them off with ease. He then starts going on a rampage causing destruction and massive environmental damage all the while heading towards England to destroy the place of power of his accursed enemy once and for all. 5. When he finally get there Excalibur holds him off for a little while but he just seems to get more and more stronger as destruction occurs. 6. The Defenders either come on their own to help deal with this or get called by Excalibur as back up to help them out especially now that they are losing. 7. The Defenders help starts turning the battle again but then the Red Lord once again starts winning. Seeing that they can't win this fight head on. Some of Excal's members and maybe a Defender or two go to Avalon to see if they can find a way to beat him there while the others work on holding him off. 8. In Avalon the team finds a weakened Green Knight who tell them that the Red Lord can't be beaten in a straight on fight but could be tricked into being banished back to Annwn again but doing so would require a lot of powerful magic. 9. When the group gets back from Avalon all the magic users work together to make a portal powerful enough send the Red Lord back to Annwn while the rest work together to force him through it eventually doing so imprisoning him once more. *note: this could be made into a longer and less straight forward plot if desired with the Red Lord instead of just cause massive amount of destruction secretly going around the planet causing environmental destruction and unleashing Banes to make himself stronger. 24th October 2010
Dogs of Annwn
Dogs of Annwn : 1. Eoghan shows up a the defenders compound on Halloween unannounced this may lead to a briefly tense situation until Eiltin can explain that Eoghan is a friend of his. 2. After everyone has calmed down Eoghan explains the meaning of his visit which was to enlist their help in tracking down some souls that have escaped from Annwn using Samhain. 3. Eiltin can convince the team to help if needed but they split up to track down the souls fast so Zoey can make them to go trick or treating later. Each group has a hound of Annwn with them that will help them track down the soul and can drag it back to Annwn once weaken. 4. Afterwards they have a Happy Halloween. 23rd October 2010
Cetic Godlings
: Name: Branwyen History: Daughter of Leir and Penarddun Branwyen is generally a kind young woman. Like her brothers she was told by her father to try to marry into Thor's line if possible. Branwyen does here best to obey her fathers wishes though has not figured out how best to attempt such an endeavor yet. Powers: Branwyen is versed in druidic magic and has some skill with controlling birds especially Starlings though not ravens and crows since they belong to Morrigan and her daughters. She also has some skill in using water magic. Branwyen has all of the abilities standard to a Celtic goddess and some basic combat training. Name: Bendieget History: Son of Leir and Penarddun, Bendieget has restraint and politeness that is not well know of from his father or brother. Like the rest of his siblings was told to attempt to marry into Thor line by his father. While he does try to obey his father's wishes this does not do so aggressively and is very ashamed of his brothers own actions to try to do so. Powers: Bendieget is far stronger than the average Celtic god though not as strong as his brother but much smarter in how to use that strength. Bendieget can change his size at will from the size of a small adult mortal to several stories tall his strength does not seem to change with his size changing though. He also heals faster than the average Celtic god. In addition to these abilities he has the standard abilities of a Celtic god. He is well trained in how to fight with the Celtic Longsword. ![]() Name: Eoghan PB: Chaney Kley History: The son of Arawn Celtic God of the Dead and Ruler of Annwn. Eoghan spends most of his time in Annwn learning from his father about their realm and the dead but often comes up to Tir na nÓg where the rest of the Tuatha da Danaan reside to hunt and learn how to fight. It was on one of these many trips Eoghan befriended Eiltin. Where many of the Danaan where not friendly to Eiltin because of his demigod status and lack of strength Eoghan did not treat him badly since they were both really liked hunting and dogs and Eoghan's understanding of the nature of life and dead letting see beyond the demigod stuff. Currently Eoghan acts like a bounty hunter for his father capturing escaped spirits and souls and bring them back to Annwn. Powers: Eoghan has command of the spirits and dead of Annwn and command of a few dozen Cŵn Annwn or hounds of Annwn who can drag runaway spirits back to Annwn. Eoghan has the standard abilities of a Celtic god in addition to the for mentioned abilities all of which become stronger in Annwn. Eoghan is well trained in combat especially using war dogs and is a skilled hunter. Eoghan's command of the spirits and dead of Annwn is greatly weakened on Samhain due to the thinness of the veil between the living and the dead on that day. ![]() Name: Ronan PB: Brandon Quinn History: The son of Goibniu and grandson of Brigid, Ronan is constantly seeking the approval of his father and others among the smiths like his uncle and grandmother. Ronan has very little respect for Eiltin and does not understand why and grandmother would volunteer to be his foster-mother. As such Ronan is generally unpleasant towards Eiltin. Powers: Ronan is a very skilled blacksmith and builder even by the Celts standards with a real talent for inventing.Ronan can also would powerful enchantments into anything he makes. Ronan strength is above normal for a Celtic god but otherwise has the standard abilities of a Celtic god. Ronan has had some basic combat training but definitely belongs in his workshop over a battle field. ![]() Name: Saraid PB: Olga Kurylenko History: The daughter of Nuada Saraid finds fighting to be the most important thing in life. She was trained with Aife's warriors every since she was a little girl and because of this has a strong rivalry with Scathach and any of her students. She longs for the day when she can finally prove her worth in battle and not just in small skirmishes. Powers:Saraid has subconscious probability manipulation that can turn combat in her favor though this only works in combat though this ability can be disrupted by powerful magical objects. Saraid also has all the standard abilities of a Celtic Goddess though to a slightly higher level and is tireless in a fight. She is highly trained in combat and because of this focus knows very little magic unlike most celts. 2nd July 2010
: Ruarc is a Cú Faoil a dog native to Avalon related to Cŵn Annwn or the hounds of Annwn. Since he is a supernatural dog he has some abilities that come with it. He is far stronger, faster, smarter and more durable than a normal dog. He is effectively immortal though can be killed if enough damage is done. However of all of these the ability that a Cú Faoil is most prized for is its ability to tell friend from foe at a glance making them incredible guard dogs. However a Cú Faoil is very stubborn and will only obey a master it has chosen. It is for that reason that when a Cú Faoil and its master grow close enough the title of Cu is given to the master to honor them for earning the respect of a Cú Faoil. Eiltin typically wears either a loincloth or the Avalon equivalent of Compression shorts that's it. His Tattoos are made from a plant ink similar to Woad native to Avalon.
28th June 2010
: Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Matt Highly trained Warrior- He is trained by Scathach in martial arts that take advantage of his speed and agility and he is exceptionally talented with a spear and can use other Celtic weapons effectively. Superhuman strength – While he does have it compared to the other Celtics he is very weak and only able to lift roughly 3 tons. Superhuman Speed- His speed is greater than most gods. When moving at near his top speeds it is difficult for most beings to even see him. The upper limits of his speed are unknown but are assumed to be lower than his fathers. He needs to work up to his higher speeds and cannot just immediately go to them. Superhuman Stamina- His Stamina is far beyond that of a normal human though well below normal for a Celtic god. Superhuman Durability- Eiltin's body is much tougher and more resistant to physical injury than the body of a human being. His joints, muscles, and skin are also particularly well adapted to sustain the intense rigors of running at tremendous velocities without suffering wear and tear. Eiltin's sensory output is also specially developed for the rigors of moving at great velocities, enabling him to see, hear, and smell normally. Superhumanly Dense Tissue: Eiltin's skin, muscle, and bone tissues have about 2 times the density as the same tissue in the body of a human being. This contributes, at least somewhat, to Eiltin's weight and superhuman strength. Superhuman Agility: Eiltin's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. Superhuman Reflexes: Eiltin's reflexes are similarly enhanced and are superior to those of the finest human athlete, and most other gods for that matter. Eiltin's reflexes are practically instantaneous and enable him to react while moving at high velocities, such as jumping or ducking or making turns just as a human does while running. Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite his body's great resistance to injury, Eiltin can still be hurt. Like all other Celtic gods, Eiltin's accelerated metabolism and the mystical energies of his godly life force enable him to rapidly heal damaged bodily tissues much faster and more extensively than a human is capable of but much slower than most Celtic gods. He can't, however, regenerate missing limbs or organs, at least not without the aid of powerful and outside mystical forces. His body is immune, however, to all known Earthly diseases and infections. Celtic Magic: Eiltin has basic knowledge of Celtic Magic and can use it make mild agustments to his appearance, Celtic symbology though only to draw minor signs of protection, and open up a fairy mound to Avalon. Gift of Song- While he does not often use this he is a highly skilled singer who has bardic training from his father Caber. Due to his nature as a demi-god Eiltin can spend an unlimited amount of time on earth without his powers weakening or dying as would happen to a Celtic God without a human host. Weaknesses and flaws: Eiltin is technically a mortal though he can live longer he will die but in death he has a chance of being apotheosis to a full-fledged Celtic God. He also has the other weakness of the Celtic gods Since much of his godly energies are devoted to his speed he is much weaker and heals slowers that the average Celtic God or Demi-God
When he was five Caber started looking for someone to train his son how to fight and other skill he might need though had great difficulty doing so since most didn’t want to try him given his disadvantages. It got to the point that Caber would have trained Eiltin if not for the taboo about how only woman may train men and vice versa. However Brigid thought of Scathach who had trained many mortal warriors though had not had much chance to do so in recent years. However one thing that Caber did make sure he taught Eiltin was the basics of the bardic arts. Eiltin trained very hard with Scathach trying to prove his worth and she saw something in him that she liked. When he was seven she took him to pick out a Celtic War Hound (Cú Faoil) pup and he quickly bounded with the runt of the litter. He named the dog, Ruarc, and Eiltin and the dog were rarely ever apart. As he trained more and more with Scathach it became apparent that he was best with the spear and they focused on combining that skill with his speed to make up for his lack of strength and toughness. After he had finished his training with Scathach his Foster Mother Brigid gave him an enchanted spear, Sleg Tapa, which she had made herself. The spear is a very powerful weapon though much of it power remains locked until Eiltin can earn access to those powers and currently only shows the fact that the spear is all but indestructible. While he had become a truly skilled warrior Eiltin had trouble getting people to give him respect especially among the other warriors. During the most recent Fomorian attack he proved himself in battle showing himself to be just as skilled or better than many of the warriors around his age. Very quickly some of the warrior gods who used to not even consider him a real warrior now saw the possibilities he could present them.
It would take him an hour to take care of this even with his speed but the wonderus slights of his home did make the running worth it and this run would let him see a lot of his home. He did need to take a break in each city to catch his breath quickly since he lacked his father’s incredible endurance while running. The run from Murias to Falias was particularly beautiful with the cliffs near the shore. He did make sure he had brought his spear with him for that part since it would also take him past the entrance to the Dark Relm and he wanted to be armed should he run into any Fomorian. He wasn’t sure what message he was delivering but it was probably of some importance and as much as he wanted to know since it would be dishonorable for him to look without permission. |