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[11 Jan 2012|01:32pm] |
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Matt Email: AIM (if you have one): darkhoodedmonk46 Character Name: Shane Ostrum Character LJ (if applicable): Physical description (face, build, weight): Shane is 6' and 169lbs. He has brown hair and blue eyes. Shane has a couple of scars from electrical burns.
Age: 22 Birthday: Apirl 15 PB: (If using one.)Andrew Cooper
Abilities: Electricity Absorption- Shane can absorb massive amounts of electricity and does so reflexively making him impossible to hurt with electricity.
Electricity Manipulation- Shane can manipulate electricity and control it. He can also create simple electrical constructs as well. He can also lift himself off the ground with electricity levitating himself.
Weaknesses and flaws: Shane's ability to absorb electricity has a limit though it's very high. After it's reached his body will discharge it in a mass static electricity burst.
Shane has an easier time manipulating his own stored electricity than other sources and takes mental effort and energy to manipulate electricity.
Otherwise he is basically a normal human with the weaknesses that come with that.
Character location/Home: Xavier's Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero Relatives (living/dead?): John Ostrum Aka Johnny Ohm-Father, Maria Wyatt-Mother Backstory: Shane's father was put in jail before Shane was born on murder charges that his mother always told him were trumped up. While his mom had been as much a trouble maker as his father she really cleaned up her act when she found out she was pregnant and she worked very hard to provide for Shane.
While they weren't very wealthy they were happy. Shane life was fairly normal except for the visit to see his dad in prison. But that changed when he was sixteen and he got electrocuted by a downed power-line. The incident activated his latent mutant gene saving his life. No long after that he got a message from Xavier's inviting him there to learn to better control his abilities. He has been with the institute ever since.
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Already a member of the x-men and coming back from a trip. What are you planning to do with this character?: X-Men stuff and plots. What do you want to see happen with this character?: Develop as a character and fun x-men stuff.
Sample post:
Shane was driving back to Xavier's from his trip home to visit him mom. This whole mutant thing had freaked her out at first but she had grown to accept that. He was her son and she loved him. Though the whole thing with him nearly dying when his abilities first activating probably had not helped. He still tried to visit her whenever he had the time to do so.
Xavier's had been pretty good to him. They had helped him out a lot with understanding his powers and learning to better control them which he definitely needed with his abilities over electricity. He had accidentally blown up more than a few TVs and computers during those first couple of weeks. But now it took quick a lot for something like that to happen accidentally with his powers.
He had also made a bunch of good friends during his time there even though he had been a bit older than most for being new there and to his abilities. But he had really come to love the place and had stayed to help out there where he could.
Test Scene: (in progress)