
Recent Entries

2/12/08 10:17 am - 022~And he's making you scream with his hands on your hips

Rules and Guidelines:
1. I watch 100 movies or more in 2008.
2. I keep track of how many I watch in this post.
3. I only record first-time movies.
4. I leave the entry public. If you want to recommend any movies to me, go for it.

The Ratings:
* - Waste of my life. Don't bother watching this, ever.
** - Nothing stood out. Just like every other movie of it's genre.
*** - Enough to satisfy boredom. Not worth watching again.
**** - Awesome. Recommended.
***** - Amazing. Highly recommended.

The Movies )

1/14/08 01:40 pm - 003~Tiredness fuels empty thoughts

Be anonymous. Tell me how much you love me, hate me, a secret, anything.


1/12/08 11:07 pm - 001~Used to be /~thehotsituation on GJ

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