NAME: Michael "Mikey" Chad Watkins. AGE/BIRTHDAY: 14 & Birthday GRADE: Freshman (9th Grade) CLASS: Middle Class and not super popular, but not a loner, either. He has a few good friends and he's friendly enough to make more easily.
FAMILY:Angela & Lee Watkins - Parents. Abbie (17) - big sister Kelly (11) - little sister Rebecca (8) - little sister Rachel (2). little sister As the only boy, Mikey sometimes feels a little out of place, but he loves his sisters and his parents to pieces and at least there's never a dull moment! Even if you sometimes have to fight for 10 minutes in the bathroom.
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual. ACTIVITIES: Extracurricular activities, charities, etc your character is involved in.
APPEARANCE: Mikey has this insane wild and curly hair that is probably his most distinguishing feature. He stands at about 5'10", not too tall, but not too short considering he's only 14. After all, he's still growing.
Mikey isn't nearly as fashionable as his big sis, but he looks pretty good in his jeans and t-shirts. He doesn't put a lot of effort into his appearance. It's hard enough to get your 10 minutes of bathroom time around his house and he's not going to waste it messing with his hair.
PLAYED BY: Harry Styles
LIKES: Girls, music, art.
DISLIKES: Sports, liver, pickles.
STRENGTHS: Friendly, cute.
WEAKNESSES: Gullible, idealistic.
DETAILED PERSONALITY: Mikey is a friendly, cheerful and energetic kid. He's naturally curious and asks a lot of questions. He'll go up to a complete stranger and start talking to them about anything at all. Mikey is a guy who is definitely not afraid to make an ass of himself. He doesn't embarrass easily at all. In fact, he loves being the center of attention.
He's not your typical guy at all. Maybe it comes from growing up in a house full of girls, but he's never really been into sports and he's a lot more in tune to what makes girls tick than most guys his age. He's had a couple of girlfriends, too, which probably helps. Mikey even has a decent fashion sense, even if he doesn't really use it on himself much. He's not all that picky about what he wears, but he's pretty good at helping other people shop.
Mikey is a little on the gullible side. He'll believe just about anything you tell him. You would think he would learn at some point, but he never seems to. Luckily, he doesn't mind others having a good laugh at his expense when they take advantage of this fact. Generally speaking, he'll be laughing right along with them once he gets the joke.
He has a little bit of an idealistic streak. Mikey is always getting fired up about this cause or that. He tried to be a vegetarian once, but it only lasted a week. His mom refused to cook special dinners just because he'd decided it was wrong to eat cows and chickens and he decided his stomach was more important than his sudden attack of conscience. That doesn't stop him from taking on other causes, though. He recycles, he volunteers at the local animal shelter. He has this desire to make the world a better place, however he can go about doing that.
HISTORY: Michael is the only son of Lee and Angela Watkins. They were loving, affectionate parents that gave their children everything they could ever need and most of the things they wanted.
As boring as it sounds, he had an relatively uneventful childhood. His parents were disgustingly happy together, only arguing when they disagreed on whether they should have mashed potatoes or Stove Top with dinner. They were so in love, in fact, that they created a total of five children together.
Mikey has four siblings. Abbie, the only one older than him, was born 3 years before him. Luckily, he doesn't remember that she wasn't exactly fond of his existence at first. All he can remember is the awesome big sister he's always known. Kelly, the prissiest of the Watkins family was born a few years after Mikey. Rebecca was born three years after that. The entire family assumed that Lee and Angela had finished when five years passed without them conceiving. They were wrong, though. Rachel, the youngest of the children, was born just under two years ago. Mikey loves all of his siblings. They bicker from time to time, but all families do that. He's closest to Abbie, especially now that they're both teenagers, but there's nothing he wouldn't do for any of them.
When it came time to start school, Mikey was just as good at making friends as his big sister had been. He was friendly, curious and outgoing. He had no problem introducing himself to random strangers (much to his parents' chagrin, sometimes). He may have talked a little too much in school, but he somehow manages to avoid getting into a lot of trouble. There was the occasional note sent home, but overall, he was a good kid.
Mikey has never really understood the thing most guys seem to have for sports, though. Sure, they're okay to watch and he goes to all the games to watch Abbie cheer, but sports have just never really been his thing. He's more of an artist. His passion is for music and art and he even does a little writing. He hasn't made up his mind what he wants to be when he grows up, but he still has time. After all, he's only just now starting high school.
OOC Info PLAYER NAME: Lena. EMAIL: AIM/OTHER: macgirl50. |