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legendarytits ([info]legendarytits) wrote,
@ 2009-08-16 12:18:00

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Current location:the clinic
Current mood: angry
Current music:Dead! - My Chemical Romance
Entry tags:did you get what you deserve, out out damn spot

So tired and oh so squeamish~
There is blood all over my clinic. Smeared on the countertops. Tracked on the carpeting. Bloody, bloody prints all over the goddamn prescription cabinet.

And there are pills missing.

Listen up, I want whatever IDIOT did this to come forward NOW. My phone is always always always always ALWAYS on for emergencies; obviously you were hurt enough to leak your lifeblood all over my office and in enough pain to think stealing my drugs was a good idea. I need to see you so I can treat you. And beat you to within an inch of your life for scaring me so badly and turning my clinic into a biohazard. And then treat you again. And then press charges.

...Someone please help me clean the blood up. I can't stand to look at it anymore and I can't get it out. Seriously, about to vomit here. And until it's gone, the clinic will be closed; sorry for the inconvenience.

((OOC: Sorry this is a lil late, and also comments from me might be a bit slow as work is killing me dead again, the bastard. But I want to have fun too. :<))

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2009-08-18 10:32 pm UTC (link)
My reaction exactly. With added gagging.

Someone broke into my clinic, bled all over it, and stole some pain pills.

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2009-08-19 01:27 am UTC (link)
I hope you didn't come into contact with any of that blood. We'll send someone in to have the place sterilized, so don't let anyone in there before then. Who knows what's in that blood, we don't want anyone catching something.

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2009-08-19 07:53 am UTC (link)
I haven't touched any of it, and I've had the clinic closed since I discovered it so no one has been contaminated that I know of. I certainly won't be seeing any patients until the entire clinic is sterilized.

Thank you for your concern. I wasn't expecting anyone else to be so conscientious of my patients' wellbeing.

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2009-08-19 08:17 am UTC (link)
Good. Madara's called a team, they should have the clinic back in working order in the next couple of days. We're also going to look into the slack security around here as of late. This will not happen again without someone being very, very sorry for it.

Hey, we care sometimes. We'll find out what happened. You seemed more worried for the culprit than the state of your clinic, judging from the report.

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2009-08-19 08:34 pm UTC (link)
Sounds good. Let's just focus on not letting it happen again period. I'm sure security has a lot to deal with, but this is the second time something has been stolen from my office in the last few weeks... Senju mentioned cameras, which I suppose are a good idea. Stepping up security would be great, if the manpower could be spared.

And well... the clinic is being taken care of. Whoever broke into it hasn't been taken care of properly. Yes, it worries me.

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