Laurence Reid - Post a comment

Laurence Reid
Date: 2011-05-04 23:25
Subject: Laurence Reid
Security: Public

Laurence Archer Reid

Character Basics
FULL NAME: Laurence Archer Reid
NICKNAMES: Laurie - though only by friends and family.
AGE: 17
BIRTHDATE: Month, Day and Year, please.
YEAR: 12th Grade.
GRADE POINT AVERAGE: Laurie's naturally a smart kid, though he reserves most of his energy for subjects that he likes and or subjects that he thinks are particularly important to his future. He is the elder of the Reid children and so he is not only aware that he's expected to lead his little brother by example but also that his parents have put the majority of their hopes on his shoulders. With that said, does get A's but he averages B+.
CLASSES ENROLLED IN: Core classes, Debate & Politics, Technology Studies, Art Appreciation.

ACTIVITIES: Student Government [President, Vice President or Secretary all work], Drama Club and Choir.
BLOOD STATUS: Laurence's family takes immense pride in the fact that their family has remained pure throughout their history. Both sides of his family have very detailed records proving their status as purebloods.
POLITICAL VIEWS: Laurence doesn't actively care about blood purity and he has an interest in muggle affairs but he wouldn't bring a muggle home or anything. He's probably a little bit patronizing in his curiosity. Either way, he's impressed by the way they've managed to get around not having magic so fluidly.

MOTHER: Mother.
FATHER: Father.

SIBLINGS: A younger brother named Theodore.

AMP Status: For the most part, his parents have faith in his judgements (he's a little vain and they do worry that if he weren't betrothed he might choose a wife for the wrong reasons) but they see no reason why they should rock the boat and since it worked for them, they've decided to arrange his marriage and will be doing the same for their younger son. At this point, he's most likely politely disinterested in his betrothed. Always polite, friendly and at least moderately reassuring, though.

APPEARANCE: Laurence is 6'3 with a nice swimmers build and light brown hair that can seem more dirty blond in the sun. He likes clothes and likes to look sharp whether he's dressed casually or more formally. His eyesight is a little bit shitty but he rarely wears his glasses outside of class.
PREFERRED PB: Alex Pettyfer.

LIKES: Keeping active - Laurence is secretly very pleased with the way he looks and actively takes care of himself. He enjoys going for runs, working out and playing sports. Something that he has in common with one of his closest friend, Cristian Deveraux. His activity of choice is swimming.
Pretty girls - He's vain and notices looks in other people first. It's important to him that he be married to someone who's very pretty and he was scared that he was going to be stuck with someone who he wasn't attracted to. He's always been encouraged to have fun while being extremely careful so he's definitely not a virgin.

DISLIKES: Not being in the Know - Laurence likes to know as much if not more of what's going on than those around him. He hates feeling left out or looking stupid.
Being/Feeling helpless - Laurence is definitely less than thrilled that his future has been laid out before him so completely. He's good at stepping up to the plate when it comes to his responsibilities but he's definitely not ready to let go of his childhood.

STRENGTHS: Personality-wise and misc. (such as cooking). - He's a surprisingly good cook but he specializes in breakfast meals.
- When Laurie believes in something, he puts himself behind it 100%. This can also serve as a weakness since he's immovable.
WEAKNESSES: Personality-wise and misc. (such as cooking). He can be very aloof when something doesn't suit him and sometimes, he doesn't take the time to see things from the perspective of others. At times, he's surprised that people think differently from him. This means that at times he can be very insensitive without necessarily meaning to be. He does make an honest attempt, especially for his betrothed, who he already sees as one more person expecting something from him.

DETAILED PERSONALITY: Your character's personality. Particularly try to hit on their driving motivations and tell us how they've developed or show opportunities for development during the game. Try to aim for at least three solid paragraphs.

Laurence is young, well to do, and goodlooking which is why he's a bit arrogant. He's aware of his responsibilities but if he can get away with a little bit of mischief, he'll go for it.

CHILDHOOD: Your characters life before entering their secondary education. At least two solid paragraphs.

AT ELIGERE. Laurence isn't in a rush to be tied down to someone he barely knows and he's still a tiny bit uncomfortable with the situation that he's been placed in. Because of this, he packs his schedule to the breaking point and spends as much of his free time as possible with his friends.

JOURNAL ENTRY: (A sample journal entry, first person.)

RP SAMPLE: (A sample log or narrative, third person. Please keep these PG-13 at most)

OOC Info
NAME: Nicole
AIM SCREENNAME: Harrowingheights
TIMEZONE: US/ Eastern [GMT-5]

JOURNAL TO BE USED: [info]journaltobeused. If you have not yet created a journal, do you need an invite code to do so?
LINK TO PUBLIC BIO: (this must be a link to a PUBLIC POST in your character's journal that we can link on the character list.)
HANDWRITING FONT: Please supply a font name and link to where we can download it, as it will be used on the character roster page.
BLURB: Approximately 100 words, a short blurb about your character for the character roster page.

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