Private to Justin and Melanie
What makes a person fully gay?
I've been trying to bed Amy Runcorn. It's not going well. Should I set my sights on a guy, instead?
I'm not sure if I want to
Private to Justin
You know I'm bi, Justin, don't you? I mean, I've never made a secret of the fact that I like boys and girls equally. Which brings me to what I actually intended to ask - lately, I've not had as much... male attention as I could have. And the problem with that isn't that I'm not getting any male attention, it's that I don't seem to CARE that I'm not getting any male attention. I don't know if I'm making any sense, but Justin, I don't think I WANT to be fully gay.
Private to those who won't spill the beans
Someone needs to throw a party or something. This slumber party seems to be over before it has begun. I've got booze for Africa, it's just sitting in my trunk, begging to be drunk...
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