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Rescuing Avalon [15 Jul 2010|09:14am]
It is more difficult than he expected to enter the dream-realm through his ring, particularly bringing Josh along. Leaving Katima behind to guard Avalon's body had been a last-minute decision: Henry realized that it wouldn't be beyond Malicor to go after Avalon's body while everyone was trying to find his sleeping mind.

So this was going to just be Josh and Henry.

Focusing his will, folding space around so that they can slip into a parallel universe where dreamers go... without knowledge of the metaphysics of the environment, it's much more difficult to visualize. And without visualization, it's harder to make it come to pass.

But that doesn't matter. He's going after Avalon. He's bringing Josh with him.

He closes his eyes, focusing his will, even as sweat begins to pour off of his body from the effort.

He is going after Avalon. Now.


A snarl of focus that becomes a scream of effort... and then...

The world shifts. Josh and Henry stand in an open space. The sky seems simultaneously day and night, as dusk and dawn are on all horizons. In the distance, several trees sway to unheard music, which can be tasted on the wind.

Shadows swirl on the ground around them, creating disconcerting and profane patterns. The patterns don't form anything specific, yet they somehow disturb Henry, like they're something from a deep, reptilian nightmare.

Henry catches his breath and wipes the sweat from his brow. "I... think we managed it..."
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Planning a Field Trip [19 Apr 2010|10:46pm]
Henry steps into the living room, having just returned from lunch.

And he stops. Because there's Katima, in the living room, arched over backwards, one arm stretching upward, her eyes closed, humming.

"...Kat...?" he asks, curious.
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Saturday Morning [15 Apr 2010|05:46pm]
Henry set the alarm for stupid-o'clock this Saturday morning. He takes a shower, slips a towel around his waist, and heads for his room to get dressed. He stops by the room with Josh and Ava first, however, and moves to Josh's bed, where the other is still sleeping.

"Hey... Josh," he whispers, nudging his boyfriend.
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