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lackadaisical ([info]lackadaisical) wrote,
@ 2009-07-24 22:03:00

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Entry tags:could call it the norm, not what i want to do with my time, this is like a war, words spoken are not a comfort

This is going to be a pain...

"Tobi, no one has won until the last police person or Masenshi member has fallen"

Finding that comment from the chief of police bleak and certainly not inspiring of any hope or happiness. So it's just an all-out war between the two leading to a large group lying dead. It's a pain and will get many innocents hurt in the process for sure. Not that I think it can all be hashed out by some friendly chatting. We're not even close to a stage where I think that would be possible. Death, torture, declaration of war... Wonderful. Just another great day in Hokage's world.

Best to do it seems is keep head down and pretend nothing's wrong, I guess. Not that I think that will protect anybody. Especially for the loud people who seem to at least partially agree with some of the things Masenshi does.

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2009-07-25 11:57 pm UTC (link)
They are getting pretty desperate. Either way as they stated, it's going to go bad, someone is going to be eradicated. Shame too. That dog meat is tasty.

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