A taste of malice. -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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[04 Aug 2008|07:56pm]
[ mood | depressed ]

Okay, yeah....So...I was waiting for something to download and I was messing around with the create journal thing. Putting in weird names and stuff and.....Well.....[info]yunalesca wasn't taken.....So, I'll be changing journals soon after I'm done doing stuff with it. XD You KNOW I'll be changing my name sometime, might as well get it done now, ya know? XD And how epic is that name? XDDDD I was freaking out and squealing.

But yeah, I'm kinda swimming in a deep state of depression right now. ^^ I've been crying my eyes out for almost an hour and I fear if I start talking about it, I'll explode again. ^_^ So, I'll probably come on later and write about it. I just can't do it right now.

I love you so much.
Never forget that.

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