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кєι ❤ тιмe ѕтαɴdѕ ѕтιll ([info]lunareuphoria) wrote in [info]kurosaki_nel,
First of all...your music is win. I love Within Temptation. :) ♥

I'm so sorry people are making my Riku mad! ::Hugs:: Is Sora going to have to choke a bitch?! Making my Riku upset...klajsd;klasjd

ICONS! You should submit into my icontest sometime! It's called [info]animechorus and it's pretty awesome. ♥ :) You've gotten so amazing since the last icons I saw that you made! *-* Aaaaamazing!

The Eye & Stardust = ♥! Win. Haven't seen the other movies but the joy those two brought me is enough. >3

Sleeeeepy Riku! ::Tucks in:: Can't wait to see more icons~ :3

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