Dang, missed another day, but for the record, yesterday was super busy and out of my hands! Woke up about 10:30, worked on some written journaling stuff when mah gets a phone call, it's just before 11. My cousin and his family are coming over for a VERY SURPRISED visit, they are 5 minutes or less away. So we're running around trying to clean up what we can and then they are here. It was nice, got to speak to them and their daughters who are adorable! One of them reminded me of an old friend of mine's daughter. They were polite and asked me such cute questions about my collection since it's out and all that. And I showed my cousin and his wife some of the things I worked on in the past year or so. I wished they could have stayed longer than an hour. :
After that mah and I hit the post, I sold the pokemon boardgame and yay it's out of my hands. I'm glad it's going to a good home. We hit up the bank on the way and then headed home where I spent a little bit of time reorganizing another part of my stuff as well as reading and then I was sooo tired I took a nap. But the business hasn't ended yet. Phone rings, no one important, but woke me up, bah, 15 minutes later dad rolls in being loud and annoying as usual, I go back to sleep. Get up about 5:30 at this point and got down to work on some more chibi - http://kuroitenshi13.deviantart.com/a rt/Reference-Chibi-Prospero-284375334 and http://kuroitenshi13.deviantart.com/a rt/Reference-Chibi-Gift-Morrigan-2843760 53 and dad comes back up, looking for the phone but can't use the two eyes in his head to find it. Then after ordering a pizza he sits down and tries talking to me, this being random strings of words mind you. The awkward silence after that to the point I turned on my music, okay, then a few more minutes go by and the phone rings again, it's bro saying he's coming home early. Okay. We chatted a bit, I told him about the cousin coming over. I get off the phone with him and get back to work...again, about 5 minutes later the doorbell rings. I'm think dad just left, it better not be the pizza for some odd reason. No, it's not. It's another cousin, she said she was coming over to deliver tax stuff for my dad. I told her about the strange day and into that mah gets back home. So we all ended up talking for awhile.
But I'm still not done, I'm almost done with one of the chibi when bro comes down and asks me to join him for the Simpsons game. I'm like okay, always room for one more in that one I say. It was cool because I was doing much better after the first couple of levels and was evening beating everyone for kills. I helped unlock a trophy. Heeheehee. It was fun. After that was all said and done I came back downstairs and was able to finish the chibi.
What a day.
Today, it's been very lowkey. Also, there be snow. *pouts* I hate snow. I did get another chibi done and I'm going to start on another after this, commissions, yay! http://kuroitenshi13.deviantart.com/a rt/Reference-Chibi-Comm-Michi-284488500 And I also took a bath so I could read vol 3 of VHD manga, that one was based off the 3rd book and 2nd movie, I really liked the manga better as far as the story telling went. I wonder if I should do a comparison. *ponders*
That's about it, I'm all ready for gaming tonight, woo~ Have a good one.
Dang, missed another day, but for the record, yesterday was super busy and out of my hands! Woke up about 10:30, worked on some written journaling stuff when mah gets a phone call, it's just before 11. My cousin and his family are coming over for a VERY SURPRISED visit, they are 5 minutes or less away. So we're running around trying to clean up what we can and then they are here. It was nice, got to speak to them and their daughters who are adorable! One of them reminded me of an old friend of mine's daughter. They were polite and asked me such cute questions about my collection since it's out and all that. And I showed my cousin and his wife some of the things I worked on in the past year or so. I wished they could have stayed longer than an hour. :
After that mah and I hit the post, I sold the pokemon boardgame and yay it's out of my hands. I'm glad it's going to a good home. We hit up the bank on the way and then headed home where I spent a little bit of time reorganizing another part of my stuff as well as reading and then I was sooo tired I took a nap. But the business hasn't ended yet. Phone rings, no one important, but woke me up, bah, 15 minutes later dad rolls in being loud and annoying as usual, I go back to sleep. Get up about 5:30 at this point and got down to work on some more chibi - http://kuroitenshi13.deviantart.com/a
But I'm still not done, I'm almost done with one of the chibi when bro comes down and asks me to join him for the Simpsons game. I'm like okay, always room for one more in that one I say. It was cool because I was doing much better after the first couple of levels and was evening beating everyone for kills. I helped unlock a trophy. Heeheehee. It was fun. After that was all said and done I came back downstairs and was able to finish the chibi.
What a day.
Today, it's been very lowkey. Also, there be snow. *pouts* I hate snow. I did get another chibi done and I'm going to start on another after this, commissions, yay! http://kuroitenshi13.deviantart.com/a
That's about it, I'm all ready for gaming tonight, woo~ Have a good one.
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