Current mood: | silly |
Anything on Vivaldi
Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Anderson (the little mermaid, etc)
Fresh Fruits 2
The Happy Prince and other stories (I think it's by Oscar Wilde)
The Princess Bride
Quivering Eyelid
Anne Rice
The Mummy (hardbound, don't care what edition)
The Vampire Lestat (hardbound, don't care what edition)
By Sherrilyn Kenyon
The two new books that came out, one for the DH series and the other is a compilation book (nothing at the moment, unless you can find me anything other than Bad Attitude, Unleash the Night, Dark Side of the Moon, Devil May Cry and Acheron in hardbound)
There really aren't too many things on my list at the moment, perhaps that's a good thing.
UPDATED: 2009-1-1
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