Current mood: | moody |
*sighs* I just looked up that pukipuki I wanted, he's sold out, probably has been for awhile. I don't know what I was thinking. And there is no way I can save up to afford Giselle right now as much as I'd want to. Bah. Why did I look? I don't know what the hell I want for my birthday? Just like I don't know what I want for christmas. Sure I have wishlists, they have a lot on them, but ask me what I REALLY want, I don't know. I mean that isn't well over 150$.
I'm pissed at myself and I don't get that way terribly often. I'm very frustrated with myself.
And I keep having strange, annoying or horrible dreams. I have to point out that none I would consider a nightmare. I don't get those, just parts that make me uncomfortable. That's the worst that I get, even being in a room full of spiders that I have to walk through, I'd probably have more anxiety really haven't to do that.
How is everyone? It's getting down to that time of year, the time of year where I wind up because I can't wait to open what few christmas presents I have/will get. XD;;; I've been strong so far, I opened one yesterday, thinking it might have been something else. It wasn't, read it anyways and it was cute. I probably will be able to hold off, at least to the last couple of days before. That is when it's at the worst.
*hits head on keys* I should be working on art, why can't I work on art!?!?!!?!?!?
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