Kuroitenshi -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Kuroitenshi; Lord of Demogynous Chaos

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2012.02.15 [15 Feb 2012|02:16pm]
[ mood | lazy ]

A new day. Not much going on. Strange dreams. Luna's little valentine got to me, heehee. That was a nice surprise.

I have game tonight, I'm sort of meh about it at the moment, been watching videos for the past hour which I should be doing something else. Then again, I probably always should be doing something else. I did do, I think, a cool image that has the 7 girls in it. I'll scan it in the next day or so. Since I haven't been doing much sketching lately I shouldn't put up just one.

Yeah, oh and I have a possible 3 more commissions, excited about that. She's sending a money order though. And I have someone else sending cash, I warned them twice about it, but they still want to do it. *shrugs*

Wish I had more to talk about. Been reading the Cirque du Freak series some more. If I can get back on reading I should be able to finish book 11 today.

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