Kuroitenshi -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Kuroitenshi; Lord of Demogynous Chaos

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2012.02.05 [05 Feb 2012|09:09pm]
[ mood | sore ]

Well, spent today in my room, making a mess, moving stuff around. I'm no where near done and I got myself distracted with deciding to sell more, so I redid completely my for sale post. http://kuroitenshi13.deviantart.com/art/FOR-SALE-ITEMS-2012-281313002 I wish I had more to show for today, but at least it's something. Cause after all the photos it needed to be packed away for the con I'm hitting up two weekends from now. <3

Yeah, this week going to do some more art stuff. I still have a month before Shuto. I'm wondering if I can learn some watercolor by then. XD;;;

Also feel like kicking scrib tonight for not working. *kicks it* Yeah, I feel a little better now.

Man, I didn't realize how many groups I was in on here, over half of them were dead, especially ALL of the icontests I was in. When did that crazy die? Hmm, I guess that's all. Hopefully I'll have some more interesting to share tomorrow.

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