Kuroitenshi -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Kuroitenshi; Lord of Demogynous Chaos

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2012.01.25 [25 Jan 2012|05:09pm]
[ mood | ecstatic ]

Oh man, this icon is sooooo old.

My bike! I got my bike today, it nearly killed me riding it home (I'm THAT out of shape) but other than that and the seat being uncomfortable, I really like it. Photos to come soon. I hope it will help me to lose some of that weight I've been putting on for ages.

What else, um, updated my collection page, actually adding a new one for my comics. For anyone that might be interested.

I also redid my for sale post - http://kuroitenshi13.deviantart.com/art/FOR-SALE-ITEMS-2012-281313002 I actually have a few people interested in things. *HOPES* I need to remind myself to take my posters to Bashcon to see if I can get rid of those, mainly cause they are so expensive to ship.

Well, I think I need to get going, heading to gaming shortly, have a good night~

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