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Kuroitenshi; Lord of Demogynous Chaos

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2011.12.25 [25 Dec 2011|11:17pm]
[ mood | jubilant ]

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays or whatever you'd like~ I am sort of other when it comes to religion, but as tradition I observe a lot of Christmas with my family.

Friday I saw my dad's side of the family, well most of it and you know what. I HAD A BLAST! I hadn't had that much fun with them in a very long time and it was my own fault, but we're all better now. I have to admit they are the saner side of my family. I hope that I will get to at least stay in touch with them a bit more from now on.

Saturday went out with mah, sis and her husband, we were going to try and get and get him shoes, but he wasn't in the mood so we walked around the mall. Hot Topic only had 4 SM items that I could find. *shakes head* Sadness. Then tried to hit up the anime store, but it was closed (no big surprise, it was a 50/50 shot). After all that madness went to my mother's sister's house to see them and that was nice, laid back, only ate sandwiches and MMMMMMMMMMM punch. I was hoping we were going to be able to play one of the card games I brought, but we never got to that, they instead opted for talking. Got home with enough time to relax a bit before Midnight mass where I got to see one of my favorite professors and listen to her play beautiful harp music~

Stayed up until 3am (because I am still a night person and managed to be the firs tone up at 8:30ish, technically speaking. Someone may have been up during the night, but went back to bed.

Now I'm up and enjoying the silence, I was going to watch a couple of things on the computer, but sadness one of the cats my sister brought with her chewed through my headphones, this also means that there definitely will NOT be any LIVESTREAMING until I can get a new pair as they were the only ones I had that had a mic. I'm not upset, but I am saddened by this turn of events.

I plan on taking a photo after all the unwrapping is done, but the way we did it this year was I ended up getting a bunch of cheap things off an ebay seller that is in Japan so I won't be seeing any of that until probably close to my birthday.

I hope all of you have a wonderful day no matter what you celebrate~ *HUGS*

Thank you everyone that sent me a card~

Christmas Presents 2011
by *kuroitenshi13 on deviantART

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