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Kuroitenshi; Lord of Demogynous Chaos

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2011.08.18 [18 Aug 2011|09:38am]
[ mood | good ]

I resketched Sukai too. XD

Work was insane yesterday, after the first 30-45 minutes I could barely get up to get a drink of water or eat food I was so busy. @___@. And everyone wanted either a color face or color face and body which those take the me the longest so I actually had a line. Like more and more people kept stopping by and seeing me and then wanting one. @______@. I think the gods heard my prayers and gave me a Thrus on Weds. I'm so thankful.

Then had just enough time to come home, change, pack what I needed for game and eat a little dinner. Not that bringing my character sheet helped last night, Robert still killed the whole party...AGAIN! Ug. So he has a game idea up next. I get about 2 weeks to work on that and I think I might be playing a Chaotic Good Dread Necromancer. Why? Because I thought it would be ha-llarious to play cute and innocent looking with a mighty punch. I haven't played a female character in awhile.

Heading back down to Columbus again this weekend, that should be fun. Sharing a table, but as long as I can get over 150 sold I'll be good, after that I can start getting some more money to my brother.

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