Kuroitenshi -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Kuroitenshi; Lord of Demogynous Chaos

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2011.07.27 [28 Jul 2011|12:00am]
[ mood | dorky ]

Oops, just missed the 27th. XD;;;

Well, I have new photos of my collection up on my FB, well the Sailormoon group on FB. So you can't actually see them in my photos. Interesting and strange. I want to put something up on dA, but I don't know if I should post the big photo again only or the close ups as well.


Weird day. I go to work which sadly was slow, very very slow, don't get me wrong there were a ton of people there, just no one wanting anything from us. I've noticed this happens really bad on weds. At least 3 weds I've worked...pattern, I think so.

So we got to leave early, which was good for me I was feeling not the best from the heat. Got on the computer and had a late lunch. Then turned around and headed off to gaming...which didn't happen. Robert just...didn't show up, no call, no text to anyone. So we sat around, watched the new Tortuga Twins DVD Jen got and then read and read and read. I went from 182 to 216 which doesn't sound like a lot, but it was for me. I think I would have gotten even farther had I not keep getting distracted.

So left early, came home and rearranged my SM collection since my Petit Figures came in. They are slightly smaller boxwise than I thought they would be for some odd reason (I already owned a loose Healer so you'd think I'd had a better idea), and finally had what I felt was enough items to make my Fighter shrine.

And I have two girls wanting the Healer, I should have waited to post it up in the one place. >___<. I wish I could sell my children's books like that.

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